Chapter 7

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Gemini looked amazed as he stared at the huge hall the party was being held in. "It's beautiful" he breathed and a someone giggled behind him. "Not as beautiful as you" the voice giggled and Gemini turned around to see Cancer standing behind him in a black dress. Cancer's white hair was loose and draping all over her shoulders and her eyes sparkled as she looked at Gemini. "Are you sure that's not you, you look amazing" Gemini said as a blush covered his cheeks. "Royals sure know how to party, would be a shame to miss my opportunity to dance with such a pretty boy" Cancer said as she winked and took Gemini's hand. Gemini grinned as he was dragged to the dance floor, Leo was already dancing around with her mother and Cancer went over to join them. Gemini watched as Cancer talked to Leo, he knew she was only talking to her because she was raised in the same kingdom, but Gemini was happy she was bothering to socialize. Gemini turned and looked at all the other zodiacs, everyone except Scorpio were socializing with people. Gemini had met Scorpio before and it had ended with Gemini needing medical attention. "Come dance Gem-Gem!" Cancer yelled as she grabbed his hand and dragged him to dance. Gemini lost sight on Scorpio and began dancing with Cancer, despite the bad feeling he had with Scorpio being in the same room as him. "What's with the face Gem?" Cancer asked as she stopped dancing and saw Gemini dull face. "It's just that Scorpio's here, if he was psychotic at seven I highly doubt he's better now" Gemini explained and Cancer turned to look at Scorpio. "I'm sure his mother put him up to something" Cancer said as she turned back to look at Gemini. "The royals will be in serious danger if that's true, we need to look after them" Gemini said as he took Cancer's hands and looked into her eyes. "I'm not protecting a bunch of stuck up pr-" Cancer began but Gemini put a finger over her lips. "Remember when we were kids and you said you would help me if I thought it was really important, this is really important and I need my favorite person to help" Gemini whispered and Cancer turned red. "Alright maybe, I'll only watch the girls" Cancer said as she looked down at the ground to hide her blush. "Better than nothing, I'm glad to see your making friends" Gemini said as Cancer looked up at him. "Friends? I only have one and he's standing in front of me" she teased and Gemini rolled his eyes. "How about Leo, you seem to like her at least a bit" Gemini said as he pointed at the dancing girl. "She a bit less annoying, shame I didn't get the same room as her and instead got the princess's" Cancer said with a smile. "Lucky you for getting princess's, guess who got Scorpio and Libra in the same room, why did they even do that?" Gemini said and Cancer turned to him with a confused look. "In the same room? Are they trying to get Libra killed?" she asked and someone gasped behind them. "What do you mean they are in the same room?" Aurora demanded and Gemini gulped. "Uh yeah they weren't put together, Libra insisted he should be with Aquarius so he swapped with Ophiuchus" Gemini explained and Aurora's face suddenly changed. "Libra!" she yelled and everyone turned to look at her. "Yeah mum?" Libra asked as he walked over from Sagittarius and stood in front of his mother. "You changed rooms?!" she demanded and Gemini felt very awkward. "Yeah I thought I should be with the other Air signs, what's wrong?" Libra asked as he looked at Aquarius with a confused look. "Your in a room with her son!" Aurora yelled and Libra's eyes widened. "That's what your upset about? I can defend myself" Libra said with crossed arms and Gemini signaled for him to cut it out. "Scorpio might be more comfortable around someone from the kingdom so he should be with me, which means Libra will also have to be there" Gemini explained and Philip raised his hand. "Our sons safety is more important that anything about him" Philip said coldly and Gemini stood in fear as he saw a smile cross Scorpio's face. "He's a person too" Gemini said as he tried to stop whatever Scorpio was about to do. "Not a good one, if I had my way he wouldn't be here" Aurora said as she hugged Philip. All the adults began arguing and all the zodiacs stood around awkwardly as they waited for the parents to make a decision. Gemini held Cancer's hand and shared an annoyed look with her. "Snobby bitches" Cancer said loudly and the adults tried their best to ignore her words. "Thanks" a voice said behind them and they turned to see Scorpio standing there. "Don't worry about it" Gemini said with a smile and Scorpio nodded awkwardly. "I'm uh sorry about the piranhas in the pool thing" Scorpio said awkwardly and Gemini smiled more. "It's fine, I would have done it too if I wasn't so scared of you" Gemini said and Scorpio smiled slightly. "This party was ruined quickly" Gemini said and Scorpio nodded as he looked at the adults. "Don't talk to him" Cancer growled at Scorpio who just smiled sadly before walking away. "Hey what was that?" Gemini asked concernedly and Cancer gave him a weird look. "he practically rules the kingdom and he's hurt you so many times! Why are you being nice to him?" she demanded and Gemini shifted slightly. Before he could speak Adam made his next announcement, Gemini felt a wave of relief as he turned to the king. "As decided by majority of adults, Scorpio will be escorted back to the kingdom at dawn" Adam said and Gemini's eyes widened. "How dare you!" he yelled so loud Cancer jumped back from him and looked at him in shock. "But he didn't do anything" Aquarius said as he walked next to Gemini and gave the royals a disapproving look. "We have ruled him as a danger" Li Shang said in a very commanding voice. "Shouldn't we have a reason to send him back? I don't know why your so scared of a teenager but this is wrong" Taurus said with his arms crossed and a confused look. Gemini glared at the royals with more hate then he had ever felt, how dare they try and send someone back already. "I understand your confused, but for everyone's safety he must leave" Adam said as he looked down at the ground in thought. "I'm leaving then" Virgo said as she walked back to her parents and took their hands. "Yeah, I don't want to stay on this planet" Taurus said as he walked to his father while shooting disapproving looks at the adults. The rest of the villains kids started agreeing and then some of the royal kids, sending someone back on the first day was an awful thing to do. "I made the mistake! Leave him here" Libra said in a very annoyed voice and Gemini nodded. "My mother was awful to and I have been nothing but rude to everyone so why am I allowed to stay?" Cancer demanded and Adam nodded. "He is permitted to stay" Adam concluded and Aurora and Philip looked furious. Eventually the party continued and Gemini was left standing alone as Cancer went off to dance. He could hear footsteps behind him but he didn't have time to turn around before Scorpio stood next to him. "Thank you Gemini" Scorpio said and Gemini smiled at him. "We finally get a second chance Scorpio, how do you feel about a friend" Gemini asked and Scorpio's eyes lit up. "Really? You trust me?" Scorpio asked and Gemini nodded. "Just as long as you don't steal Cancer from me" he joked and Scorpio nodded. "She's not my type" he said as he looked at Cancer with an amused look. "I'm sure getting someone your type is easy enough" Gemini teased and Scorpio smiled sadly. "Gemini come dance!" Cancer yelled and Leo joined her yelling. Scorpio smiled and pushed Gemini over towards the girls before he walked away. Gemini walked up to Cancer and gave her a happy look. "Guess who now has two friends you loser" he teased and Cancer rolled her eyes. "Leo do you want to be my friend?" she yelled and Leo yelled an excited yes back. "And now so do I" she said as she looked into Gemini's eyes. Gemini felt his thoughts swimming as he stared into her beautiful eyes, he slowly put his head closer as he tried to go in for a kiss but Belle accidently crashed into them. Gemini stood sadly as he counted off yet another failure to tell Cancer his feelings, this was the ninth time he had failed. Gemini watched as Cancer went off to join Leo and Aries and he decided he was going to tell Cancer his feelings, once he got some courage. "Did I interrupt something?" Belle asked concerned and Gemini gave her a sad smile. "It's alright your majesty, I'll just tell her some other time" he said as Belle frowned. "Tell her? Oh" she said as she began apologizing again. "It's fine, besides I've made up my mind to tell her soon" Gemini said with a smile and the queen gave him an amused look. "You have nothing to lose so go for it, I'm sure she'll accept your feelings" the queen said as she patted Gemini's head encouragingly. Gemini felt a surge of confidence but knew he couldn't tell Cancer with so many people around, but he was going to try to tell her as soon as he could. 

Hello, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Left this one of on a nice ending unlike how I meant for it to go, but our romance is blooming. Like always I apologize for any mistakes I didn't see and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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