Chapter 10

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"Hello" Pisces said cheerfully as she looked up at Scorpio from where she sat on the couch. Scorpio looked down with one eyebrow raised and a drink halfway up to his lips, he lowered the drink and muttered "Hi" before sitting down on an empty chair. "You said in your last letter you wanted to meet me? Well here I am" Pisces said with a giggle and Scorpio nodded awkwardly. "Yeah, about you wanting to bring back the villains, I was going to ask you to come to the kingdom" he said as he took a drink and then stared at Pisces's shocked face. "We're not allowed to go to the kingdom" she said as she looked around to make sure no other zodiacs were listening. Scorpio grinned slightly before standing back up and pulling a book out of his pocket. "This is a spell book, we can be in and out before anyone knows it" he said with a slight spark in his eyes but Pisces crossed her arms and looked away. "My parents would freak out" she said stubbornly and Scorpio groaned. "Do you always do whatever your parents say? Come with me and have some fun" Scorpio said before dragging Pisces out of her chair and pulling her into an empty room. Pisces froze as Scorpio flipped through the book until he found the spell he wanted. "What is that spell?" she asked nervously but Scorpio ignored her as he said the words of the spell. Every sound in the house stopped and Pisces looked horrified at Scorpio who was looking around amazed. "It worked" he said before he grabbed her hand again and dragged her into the living room. Pisces screamed as she saw herself talking to Leo and then screamed more when she saw Scorpio sitting on the couch. "The clones last a couple hours, come on hurry up" Scorpio yelled as he dragged Pisces outside and said another spell. The ground underneath Pisces suddenly began shifting and she screamed as it opened up and swallowed her. "You right princess?" Scorpio asked and Pisces nervously opened one eye to find herself at the border of the kingdoms. A swirling storm was beating against the buildings in the kingdom and Pisces could hear blood curdling screams coming from inside the border. "But this border stops people from entering or leaving without a pass" she said as she hugged herself to try and keep warm against the strong wind of the storm. "We use the book, I've already been back in the kingdom once so I now it works" Scorpio said as he used a spell to open the border's door. He turned to Pisces with a malicious grin that made Pisces feel very unsafe. "Ladies first" he said as he pointed to his door in the border. 

Everything in sight was grey and lifeless, the plants were all long dead and crows sat in all the dead trees as they waited for their next human meal. The buildings that were still standing were leaning dangerously and Pisces could hear them creak as the wind blew against them. Even the people were grey, wearing tattered clothes and huddling in small groups as the walked the streets of the kingdom, their bones were showing through their thin clothes and everyone was struggling to walk against the wind. Everything in sight was littered and broken and covered in rats and birds trying to eat everything dead as well as eating each other, and in a corner there was a suspiciously human shaped corpse covered in birds eating it. Pisces felt more and more like crying as she looked around at the poor living conditions, there were people everywhere having the life beaten out of them or being stolen from. The sky was almost as grey as the land and the rain poured on anyone and anything it could. Pisces gasped in horror as she saw a child running away from a man, she wanted to walk over and help but Scorpio pulled her back. "Don't help anyone, they're con artists" Scorpio said as he watched the child crying and beg for help but no one came to his aid. Pisces watched in horror as a woman came to help the child but was held back by the man and the child robbed her. "This is awful" Pisces said in a small voice and Scorpio laughed before looking at her. "This is how we live, kindness is a death sentence in this kingdom" Scorpio said with an evil glint in his eyes. "Couldn't you help? You and you mother are in charge right?" Pisces asked and Scorpio nodded before turning away. "She didn't want to help, to her these people are just vermin she has to look after" Scorpio said calmly before grabbing her hand and leading her down the street. Every step Pisces took she felt more unsafe, glass bottles and other objects were being thrown everywhere and fist fights and brawls were around every corner. Pisces felt tears prick in her eyes as she walked down the street, she reached out and took Scorpio's cold hand and held onto it tightly. She felt Scorpio stiffen up but he didn't let go of her hand and Pisces was thankful for it. "Where are we going?" she managed to choke out and Scorpio turned to look at her. "Just to the edge of the kingdom where the rich ones live, they have it a lot better up there" Scorpio said as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. 

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