A Familiar Name On A Birthday Card

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Summary: Joe forgets Caspar's birthday.
Warnings: None.

Caspar woke up and smiled, buzzing from excitement. It was early on a Monday morning but it was fine because today was his birthday. Even though it was only his 22rd, it was still important to Caspar.

He grinned as he saw his boyfriend, Joe spread across the bed, his legs tangled in Caspars. They had been boyfriends for over a year now, and came out to the viewers their family and friends in their first few months of dating and everybody had been really supportive.

As Joe started to wake up, Caspar expected a happy birthday or something along the lines, but that never happened.

"G'morning" Joe whispered with his voice still groggy from waking up, planting a kiss on Caspar's lips and forehead.

"Good morning Joe!" Caspar said, beaming. "Today's the day!" Caspar waited for a happy birthday or a reconsideration to spread across his face.

"It's only bin day Caspar, gosh, calm down." Joe replied while getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Caspar brushed it off, but it still stung a little. Maybe he was just tired or something.

An hour passed, Joe and Caspar were cuddled on the sofa watching re-runs of spongebob. Joe hadn't said anything about today, not even happy birthday. Caspar decided to give Joe a hint, but he didn't want to blast it in his face incase Joe had something planned.

As he was about to say something his phone pinged with a new message. His phone was going off constantly today from happy birthday texts from his friends and family, he couldn't of wished for better friends.

"Turn your phone down Caspar," Joe moaned. "It's giving me a headache."

"It's not just bin day today, Joe, do you know what else it is?" Caspar said ignoring Joe's statement but turning his phone down a little anyways.

"No, I don't Caspar." Joe replied. Joe took a moment to scan his brain for events for today, there was none and was getting annoyed at Caspar fast, why was he playing with him? There's nothing going on today.

"Come on! Surely you know what it is." Caspar prodded.

He sighed when he saw there was no emotion change to Joes face, there was no banners or balloons, no presents, nothing. Maybe there was a surprise party? That had to be it, he wouldn't forget, he couldn't.

"Caspar for god sakes will you stop talking about today? It's just Monday, nothing is going on!" Joe snapped, he had lost all his temper completely.

Caspar felt his heart physically hurt, Joe had completely forgotten about his birthday. Even if there was a surprise party Joe would never snap at him, not on his birthday. Even on normal days Joe never snaps at Caspar.

"I-Im going to go and get something from the shops, do you need anything?" Caspar said quickly, unraveling his grip from Joes arms and standing up. He didn't need to get anything, he just didn't want to cry in front of Joe.

"No I don't." Joe quickly said, all his attention returning back to the telly. Caspar nodded and grabbed his coat and shoes and money. He was about to leave when he heard Joe run down the hall to Caspar.

"Wait Caspar!" Joe shouted and Caspar's hope raised, "When you come back, will you stop talking about this 'special day?' It's really pissing me off."

Caspar just nodded, stepped outside and closed the door. As soon as he was a few steps away, he broke down into sobs. He had no idea why this affected him so much.
Surely Joe would have seen something on Twitter, his subscribers were tweeting him wishing him happy birthday and #happybirthdaycaspar was even trending. There was no denying it, Joe had forgotten his boyfriends birthday.

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