Breathing In The Fumes (2)

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WARNINGS: Homophobia.

Caspar now had burn marks all down him, and his clothes were burnt too.

And the worst part was, Caspar wasn't breathing.

Joe sniffled as the ambulance pulled up. He climbed on board, and nobody argued. It wasn't allowed, but they had no time to worry about that now, there was a boy's life at risk.

On the way to the hospital the paramedics were performing lots of different techniques to try and get him to start breathing.

None of them worked.

They told Joe that Caspar would be okay,
But it still hurt.

They pulled up at the hospital and rushed inside, Joe was told to wait behind, but he completely ignored them.

He didn't care that he had just ditched school, or gone against orders from the hospital.

He only cared about Caspar. And he didn't know how to feel about that.


Five minutes later, a lady burst through the door. Joe had been ordered to go and wait outside, apparently they said they would arrest him if he didn't. He didn't put up a fight, he was already in enough trouble.

"He's okay," She confirmed with a smile, balancing the papers on her right arm. "He sprained his ankle before hand, so he couldn't walk and couldn't get out. You can see him now though he hasn't woken up yet."

Joe started to walk, and then paused in his tracks. Caspar didn't have a sprained ankle before, so Joe must of sprained his ankle when he tripped him up. Joe could have killed Caspar.

As he stepped into Caspars hospital room, his heart melted at the sight.

Caspar was asleep with the covers pulled up to his nose. He wasn't awake and wasn't doing anything cute, it was just that Caspar looked so beautiful.


It had now been four days since the fire. School was cancelled for the last three days, and now he had just finished his first day back. It was busy, and hard because they literally didn't have part of the science block but it was okay overall.

Not many people knew it was Joe who started the fire, or it was Joe that nearly killed Caspar. But then again, not many people cared who did it. Charlie had been begging Joe to tell him all the details of, well, everything.

Joe hesitated at first, but them explained everything.

Also he came to the terms that he liked Caspar in these few days.

No, he didn't bully him because he liked him. He bullied Caspar because he needed people to think that he wasn't gay.

His grandad thought that homosexuality was disgusting, so he tried to make himself believe that, and everybody around him.

Truth is, everybody in the collage didn't mind gay people. They were just boys who liked boys, or girls who liked girls. It didn't matter what was between their legs.

Sure there were a few assholes who didn't approve, but they never did or said anything.

So it was the end of the day, and Joe was on his way to visit Caspar. He had visited him everyday, but Caspar hadn't woken up.

But he just got a call from the hospital saying that Caspar was awake, which Joe couldn't be happier about. He wanted to apologise to Caspar, and he also had built up the courage over these past few days to ask him out. Or at least - be is friend.

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