Four Times Joe Stayed & The One Time He Didn't

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Summary: Basically the four times Joe stayed with Caspar, and the one time he didn't.
WARNINGS: Drinking, little bit of violence (not big, quite mild), mentions of hospitals and sex.
A/N-I had fun writing this. Enjoy your pain.

The first time Joe decided to stay was when him and Caspar had a big argument. Joe thought Caspar had been cheating on him, and in anger, broke Caspar's laptop.
Joe wouldn't speak to him, and for days Caspar was trying to explain to Joe but he wouldn't listen. He was with a girl, Joe thought that day, he's definitely cheating on me.
It was a few days after that when Joe finally gave Caspar a chance. Caspar explained that the girl was his cousin, he believed Caspar. But then later in the week Joe bumped into the girl. She said she was dating Caspar. When Joe got home they had a huge argument again.
They didn't speak for three weeks.
But yet Joe still stayed. Soon enough they made up.

Things Joe did wrong:
-He broke something of Caspar's, something he knew Caspar loved a lot.
-He jumped to conclusions the first time. Even though he was right.
-He never gave Caspar a chance to explain himself.

He got the chance to leave.
But he didn't.

The second time he decided to stay was when Caspar got drunk. Really drunk. He tried to take advantage of Joe, but Joe wouldn't let him. He got so scared that he hit Caspar on the head with a glass bottle. Joe was too worried to see what had happened, so he went to bed while Caspar was in a lot of pain. In the morning he finally took him to hospital. Caspar had to stay in hospital for a while. Joe could have really damaged Caspar. However he didn't care that much, because he had really hurt him inside. He lied about how Caspar got hurt.

Things Joe did wrong:
-Even though Caspar could've been quite dangerous, Joe could have tried to take care of him. And if that didn't work then leave the apartment, not knock him out and badly injure him.
-He should have taken him to hospital straight away.
-He should have told the truth.

He got the chance to leave.
But he didn't.

The third time Joe decided to stay was when things completely fell apart. They didn't speak a lot, they hardly kissed or anything like that. Joe didn't try to fix it, neither did Caspar. After everything that happened, it was both of their faults. One day Joe had enough and he went up to Caspar and confronted him. Things were screamed rather than said, and doors were being slammed rather than opened; it was a mess, it was their mess. After the fight, Caspar left for a bit. Joe didn't try and find him, he sat at home in the mess that they created. His house no longer felt like a home. Caspar came back one week later. The apartment looked the same. They didn't speak to each other for a month.

Things Joe did wrong:
-He should have tried to fix it, tried to fix what was left of it anyways.
-He should have tried to talk about with him, instead of shouting and tearing the apartment apart.
-He should have tried to find him.
-He should have just tried.

He got the chance to leave.
But he didn't.

The fourth time Joe decided to stay was when he and Caspar finally spoke. Caspar wanted to break things off, but Joe just wanted to fix everything. There was nothing left to fix, it was all in pieces, yet he tried to fix it anyways. He felt like it was his fault. He told Caspar he loved him. They stayed.

Things Joe did wrong:
-He should have just let it ended. It's been ended for a long time now. They both know that.
-He shouldn't have felt like everything was his fault. Caspar did some damage too.
-He shouldn't have lied when he told Caspar he loved him.

He got the chance to leave.
But he didn't.

The time Joe left was sometime around 7 PM on a Monday night. After losing it, he told the truth. He told Caspar he couldn't do this anymore. That it was over. Caspar agreed. They both went different paths without each other.
His last words were sad, and heartbreaking.
"I still love you, but things are different now."

Things Joe did right:
-He left.

He got the chance to leave.
And finally, he did.

I'm mad at myself for writing this lmao
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