Only A Little Voice To Speak With

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Summary: Joe is mute, and Caspar wants to make him speak again.
WARNINGS: Mute, swearing, homophobic actions mentioned.

Joe wouldn't speak. No, his voice wasn't damaged or anything, he was a selective mute. He had been mute since his father left him and his family, though Joe didn't stop speaking as soon as his father stepped out the door. He left because Joe was gay, and he didn't want to be around a 'gay person'. Of course, Joe was so sad that his father had left everybody because of him, that he decided not to speak.
Joe started to speak for a shorter amount of time, and then it turned into sentences, and then words, and then nothing at all.

Zoë and Joes mother had tried everything to get him to speak, therapy and all of it, sometimes on their knees begging. But Joe wouldn't say a word, why speak when all you have left to say is how much you hate yourself? He hadn't spoken for months.
So that's what he was; and will ever be.

It was a normal day, he was just walking to school with his headphones plugged in, minding his own business when someone decided to run into him-on purpose. Joe fell to the floor and hit his hand. He groaned and looked up to see the person running away laughing. He inhaled a breath and tried to fight back tears, he had really grazed his hand and it really hurt.

But, what he wasn't expecting, was when a hand jolted in front of him. He fell back onto his butt, and the mystery guy chuckled. Joe couldn't see who is was because the sun was blinding his vision, but he could make out that the guy had blonde hair.

When Caspar saw what had happened, he had immediately felt sorry for the guy.
Nobody deserves that, even if they were an asshole, and hopefully he wasn't an asshole because in Caspar eyes the poor guy was pretty cute.

Caspar traveled over the road to him and knelt down and held out a hand. He chuckled a bit when he fell onto his butt, could this guy get any cuter?
"Are you okay?" Caspar asked, no longer chuckling, his voice filled with concern.
Joe was confused. Nobody seemed to really like Joe, mostly because he didn't speak, and still managed to get top in most classes. Maybe it was just because Joe was smart, or maybe it was because everybody else was really dumb.

Joe just nodded.

Caspar sighed and saw that he really wasn't okay, his hand was bleeding and he was crying slightly.
"Come with me," Caspar said, helping Joe up. "School isn't that far, I'll take you to the nurse."

"So what's your name?" Caspar asked him while they were walking, confused why the boy wasn't speaking.
Joe looked at him for a moment and bought out his phone and clicked on 'notes'. Caspar was seriously confused now.

Joe started to type, and Caspar peered across.
"I'm mute." Joe typed, and then looked up at Caspar for a reaction.
"Well nice to meet you Mute, I'm Caspar." Caspar joked, and Joe cracked a smile at Caspar's terrible 'Dad joke'.

"My name is Joe, Joe Sugg." Joe typed, still smiling.
"Well hello Joe!" They were just about to reach their school. "Let's go to the nurse then." Caspar shouted.

As they walked through the school, everything was fine. Joe felt happy, as Caspar didn't run away when he found out he was mute. And Caspar felt happy that he had found someone nice, there aren't a lot of nice people in the world. It was good to find one.

They entered the nurses office, and Joe bought out his phone. The nurse came in and starting fixing up Joes hand, and they both learnt different stuff about eachother.
They learnt their favourite foods, colours, taste of music. They tried to learn everything about the other.

They also both learnt that they were both gay, and both didn't admit it, but were very happy about that.

Ten minutes later, Caspar got asked to leave by the nurse to go to class. He wasn't happy about it, as he wanted to spend more time with Joe, but nevertheless agreed. He got Joes number, and then gave him a hug. Which of course, lasted a bit longer than normal hugs would.

A few months had passed, and the two boys had become very close. They were best friends, and wouldn't admit it, but were hopelessly in love with eachother.
Caspar excepted Joe with his mute, and didn't turn his back like normally people would. Though it was hard to be proper friends when Joe couldn't speak, they both made it work.
They would play endless games on FIFA, and every time Caspar won, he would tackle Joe into a hug. These little gestures were normal for them, and sometimes they would kiss each others cheeks. They knew it wasn't what normal friends did, but they didn't care. And besides, everybody thought they were dating anyway.

In fact, both of their parents shipped them together. Well, they all thought they were dating, like literally everyone else did. But when they found out that in fact they weren't, everybody didn't react badly.

Because they knew it would happen.


One Tuesday evening, Joe was around Caspar's house and they were both led on the bed talking. One of his arms was draped around Caspar's waist and to say they were blushing like mad was an understatement.
But Joe had a secret, he had been trying to speak again this past week. Obviously because he hadn't spoken for so long, his voice wasn't trained very well and it was very hard to speak. But he was pretty sure he could speak now, or at least say a few words.

And for those first few words, he wanted to tell Caspar he loved him.

He had heard Caspar talking to his sister Zoë, about how he had been crushing on Joe for a while now. And Joe was very, very happy.
That night, he went onto the Internet and learnt how to speak again. He watched video after video, and tried everything. He was pretty confident now, after he had heard his voice break he was quite sure he could speak. He knew it would be hard, because he hadn't spoken for months. But what if it was fine?
He didn't know, but all he knew was that he wanted his first words to be for Caspar, and to him.

Joe sat up, removing Caspar's arm and looking him in the eye. Caspar grabbed the whiteboard and handed it to Joe.
"Is everything okay Joe?" Caspar asked worriedly, his eyes filling with concern.
Joe took a deep breath and wrote on the whiteboard.

'I want to tell you something.'

Caspar read it and nodded his head.
"You can tell me anything Joe." Caspar said, placing his hands on Joes hands.
Joe cleared his throat, opened his mouth and put the whiteboard down. Caspar crossed his eyebrows in confusion and Joe spoke, for the first very time.

"I-I lov-ve y-you Ca-aspar." Joe said, stuttering. He felt butterflies emerge in his tummy, and the buzz of finally speaking again. His throat hurt like mad, but there were more important things to worry about.
Caspar sat there shocked, suddenly a huge grin appeared on his face. He pushed Joe down onto the bed and hugged him as tightly as he could.
"You spoke! You actually spoke! I'm so proud of you." Caspar shouted. He looked down at Joe, still grinning. He was hugging Joe hard in happiness, and shouting how proud he was.
"And I love you too." Caspar whispered, and placed his lips onto Joes.

Caspar's parents walked in soon after, and looked at each other knowingly, And walked back out. The two boys knew that Caspar's parents were there, but they could care less.
They finally stopped kissing after a while, and they both looked into each others eyes.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Caspar asked.
"Y-yes." Joe whispered. He still wasn't used to speaking, but he only knew he could get better.

Truth is, Joe didn't need therapy. He needed Caspar, and Caspar needed him. He was so glad to have him.
Caspar had saved him.
And now he was Caspar's boyfriend.
And that's all he was; and all he ever will be.

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