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Summary: Joe sees imperfections, while Caspar just sees perfections.
WARNINGS: Self-hate I guess?
I got this idea from someone's book, it not identical and I have hardly copied it. If it's yours then tell me & I can credit you :)

Joe stood in the bathroom, looking at his reflection in front of him.

He couldn't find one good thing about himself, there were only imperfections. He took a deep breath and tears started to roll down his cheeks, and at that exact moment his boyfriend Caspar walked in. Caspar's face dropped and he ran to Joe.

"Babe, what's the matter? Are you hurt?" Caspar asked worriedly, checking over Joe's body for any types of cuts or bruises.

Joe looked into Caspar's eyes, and Caspar wiped Joes tears with the back of his hand, "No, it's just," Joe paused, trying to think of a good way to put the thing he was about to say. "Why do you love me? You're so perfect and, I'm just not." Joe's voice got quieter as he spoke, and the last word turned into a whisper.

"You want to know why I love you Joe?" Caspar whispered, and Joe nodded.

"Where do I start? I love your laugh, it's so soft and happy and it makes me feel warm inside. I love your smile, it's beautiful and it lights up the room," Caspar stopped, and stood in front of Joe. Blocking his view of the mirror so he could just see Caspar. "I love your humour and jokes, you're hilarious Joe! Your kindness is out-standing, your smartness is impressive and you can also cook really well." Caspar laughed, and Joe did too.

"Well, I can definitely cook better than you, yes." Joe said jokingly, and Caspar grinned.

"I love your nose," Caspar leant down and kissed his nose. "Your forehead," Caspar kissed his forehead. "Your eyes," And Joe closed his eyes and Caspar kissed his eyelids. "And your lips," And Caspar finally kissed his lips, feeling the sparks burst through his body. "Every damn thing about you is perfect." Caspar mumbled.

"And you know what I love most about you Jojo?" Caspar asked, pulling away to look Joe straight in the eyes, and Joe smiled at the nickname and playfully shurgged his shoulders.

"No what is it?" Joe asked.

"I love how you are you, and you are perfect to me."

Caspar wrapped his arms around Joe, and for once Joe started to believe the things Caspar had told him.

"I love you so much." Joe whispered, and Caspar hummed in response because Joe didn't need a reply.

They both knew that they both loved each other a lot.

Those imperfections? Only perfections in Caspar's eyes.

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