All For Himself

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Summary: This was submitted by: @thisoneisonlyme ! Thanks so much :D
Joe and Caspar are dating, and Joe grows jealous that Josh stays at their house all the time and he can't have Caspar by himself. So when Josh goes out, Caspar tries to find what is wrong.

"No Josh! That's not fair! I demand a rematch right now!" Caspar shouted in between laughs as he lost a game of Fifa. "You definitely cheated!" Joe was sat on the other sofa, watching them both joke around. Jealously bubbled in his stomach.
He knew Caspar and Josh were great friends, and he understood that, he had his friends too. But him and Caspar were dating, and lately he just felt like he couldn't get a moment alone with Caspar. Josh was always around, and Joe liked Josh but right now - he just wished he could go away.

"Um, Caspar, do you want to go out tonight?" Joe asked, fidgeting under pressure, placing a smile on his face.
"I can't sorry, babe. I'm going out with," he paused and turned around to Josh, and playfully hit his shoulder. "This idiot!" Joe's smiled dropped slightly, but he tried not to let it show.
"Oh." He muttered under his breath. He stood up. "Excuse me." He walked over the table and sat down, watching as his boyfriend completely ignored him. He went on to his phone, and typed out a tweet.

Joe_Sugg: :( someone cheer me up??

He tweeted it, and in under seconds, he got hundreds of replies.


thisoneisonlyme: go and cuddle with Caspar...and video it please...the feels

AlminSisic: what the hell is going on

He sighed, he really did love his subscribers. But whenever Josh is in a video with him and Caspar, they get really annoyed for some reason. Especially when him and Caspar made the boyfriend tag, and Josh wanted to sit in the back. So they let him, but the subscribers were mad. Honestly, Joe now agreed with them. He agreed with the angry comments.
And he tried not to show that he was lonely when Josh and Caspar went to South Africa, without him.
He tried not to show that he was upset when Josh and Caspar have inside jokes, laugh, talk, without him.
He tried not to show that he was jealous when Josh and Caspar sometimes place friendly kisses on each others cheeks.
He tried.
He just wanted Caspar to himself, is that wrong?


It was after a few hours when Josh had to go. Caspar and Joe had said their goodbyes, even though Joe was near certain that Josh was probably coming back later, so he and Caspar could hang out.
"So." Caspar said, turning to Joe. Joe jumped at the loudness.

Oh so now he wants to talk to him?
Fine. He will just have to play mad.
Well, he didn't need to play mad.
He was mad.
He had enough. "What do you wanna do?" Caspar said, smiling at Joe.
Joe shrugged his shoulders, looking down at the floor. Caspar lifted Joe's chin with his finger, and Joe had to look away from Caspar's concerned face.

"What's wrong?" Caspar gushed, and Joe rolled his eyes.
Everything. He thought to himself.
"Nothing." He hissed, shoving Caspar's hand away and walking to the sofa and sitting down. Caspar's face was littered with confusion, and he sat down next Joe.
"Please, Joe, there's something wrong. Tell me." Caspar begged, attempting to hold Joe's hand.
"No there's not! Leave it!" Joe yelled, ripping his hand away from Caspar's. "Let's just play Fifa or something."

Caspar gave up trying to find out what was wrong.
"Okay." He muttered. He placed a kiss to Joe's hair. "Love you." He whispered into Joe's messy, brunette hair. Joe was finding it incredibly difficult to be mad at Caspar.

Caspar noticed thought that Joe was playing Fifa rather...aggressively. Shouting more than he normally would, and the things that he were shouting weren't playful like they usually were. Caspar was concerned, did he do something wrong?
When the game ended, and Joe lost, he threw his controller on the sofa and began to walk away. But before he could, Caspar grabbed his hand.
"What the hell? Let go." Joe shouted, trying to get away from Caspar.
"No." Caspar shouted back, startling Joe. "Not until you tell me what's wrong. Because I'm sat over here, feeling like shit, feeling like this is all my fault. Let me fix it. I want to fix it, even if it's not my fault." His voice quietened down, and he didn't have the energy to shout anymore. "Please." He said, though it came out more like a whimper.

Joe huffed. "I just feel left out. You are always with Josh, he's always here. You have no time for me anymore, I sometimes feel like you don't like me. Like you are cheating on me with Josh. And it really, really hurts me." Joe ranted, his voice lacing with anger. Caspar's face fell.
"I'm so sorry," Caspar whispered, instantly hugging Joe. Joe placed his head on Caspar's shoulder, and Caspar placed kisses all over Joe's face. "I never want you to feel upset. I had no idea, and I just feel so bad. I love you so much, I could never not like you. I'm just so sorry."

Joe sighed, "It's okay." He whispered.
"No it's not, it's not okay unless you are okay." Caspar whispered back, hugging Joe tighter. He brung Joe on the sofa, and kissed him. Joe felt himself instantly relax, and he kissed back.
"Love you." Joe mumbled, smiling at Caspar. Caspar smiled back at him.
They attached their lips again, slowly the kiss began to get more heated. Soon enough, they were making out. They didn't notice the door opening.
"Oh my god." Josh yelled, dropping the pizza. The two just ignored him.
"Hello?" He said angrily, crossing his arms. "Well, I left my phone here. And I came back for it, and I bought pizza that we could all eat. Guess not. Whatever."
And with that he left the apartment. Caspar and Joe didn't know he was even there in the first place.


"Hey, Caspar. How did this pizza get on the floor? Who brung it?"
"I don't know. But looks like we just found our dinner."

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