Please Pick Up?

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Summary: Caspar leaves Joe a message a while after they've broken up.
WARNINGS: Mention of suicide, break-ups.

Joe was awoken by a loud noise coming from the living room. He walked down the stairs to find his home phone was flashing. He had a missed call, and he decided to play it. Strangely it was from an unknown number, which could mean it was from a scammer or something.

Message received at 3:16 AM.

"Hello?" Caspar's voice echoed through the phone, "Joe, are you there?"
Joe paused in his tracks and took a deep breath, Caspar and him broke up a few months ago.
"Look, I don't know why I am calling. I shouldn't of called but I just-" He paused. Joe was listening intently. "I just, miss you so much."

Joe couldn't reply. It was a recorded message, he was surprised he didn't hear the phone ringing.

"When we broke up, I couldn't handle it. So I took everything out on you, I said things I didn't mean to say." Caspar started.
Joe started to bite his nails, he still loved Caspar, but he had really hurt him.
"Look, are you there? Can you pick up the phone and we can talk?"
Joe sat down on the sofa, and listened to Caspar's voice fill the room. The message was two minutes long.
"I've been so down, you know? I never knew how much I missed you until, until I left." There were sounds on the other side of the phone, it sounded like smashing of a glass bottle.
"And I don't know what to do anymore." It sounded like Caspar was crying. "I just drink and drink because it takes away the pain of losing you." Joe closed his tear filled eyes.

"And I don't want to say this, but I think," Caspar paused. "I think I might go, for like, forever. You were the only thing I had left."
Joe was crying now.
"And your gone." Caspar whispered.

"Just please pick up the phone when you hear this." Caspar begged.
"If I don't get a call from you, I'm going to die. And my death will not be your fault."
Joe stood up.
"I shouldn't of called." Caspar repeated.
"I still love you. And I made you lose your mind because you were trying to work out mine. And I'm sorry. If I don't hear from you, I'll know." Caspar finished, and Joe was about to click the button when Caspar added something.
"And by the way, you can only call back now. If you delete this message, or you press decline." Caspar paused. "You won't be able to contact me anymore, I'll be gone. You'll never see me again. Can't we have a happy ending?" Caspar asked. Joe could hear the disappointment in his voice.
"Everybody gets a happy ending..." Caspar finished.

The call cut out and now was replaced by the robotic lady telling him directions on what to do.

Joe studied the phone, and his fingers hovered across the buttons.
"Not all endings are happy, Caspar." Joe whispered, as he wiped his tears and pressed the button that would decide his fate.

Message deleted at 3:18 AM.

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