Dancing Like We're Made Of Starlight

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Summary: Joe just wants to go with Caspar to the dance, but he's going with somebody else.

I adjusted my blue tie, glaring at myself in the mirror as a sad smile creeped it's way onto my face.

It was the night of the school dance. Me and Caspar had been looking forward to it for a while, always cracking jokes that we'd go together, we even went suit shopping together just so we could look the best.

I was hoping he was going to ask me, as that was what I thought was going to happen. I thought he was going to turn around with a bouquet of pink and yellow flowers (my favourite) and tell me that he loves me and wants to go to the dance with me.

That's why I was smiling sadly, not happily. I thought that would happen. He ended up running towards me saying that Kendall had asked him to the dance.

I tried to show that I wasn't disappointed, but he immediately seemed to pick up on it and took my hand in his.

We are only friends, but I feel something for my blonde haired buddy. I know it's so unlikely that he would like me back, but I hope all the time that he would.

You see, we have a very unique friendship. We call each other cute nicknames, we hold hands, kiss each other on the cheek. I try and cherish every moment I can with him as I know, one day he is going to find his true love and never put his lips on my cheek again.

Also he was bisexual, same with me. So I had a chance, but then, he wouldn't date me. Never me.

"What's wrong?" I remember him saying, his bottom lip poking out. I tore my hand from his, looking down at the floor.

"It's nothing," I whispered. "I'm happy for you, try and enjoy it."

He knew that something was wrong but we didn't try to push, he walked away, still beaming about Kendall, he was oblivious that I was madly in love with him.
I just hope that he's happy. That's all I wish for.


I walked in the school gym where the dance was being held with my arm laced around this girls waist. She was kind, funny, pretty, but she wasn't him. She didn't know me like he did. She didn't laugh like he does.
It just wasn't the same without him.

My eyes scanned the room looking for Caspar when they landed on a couple dancing in the corner. My heart sunk, that was Caspar. It was the suit we picked out together.

He looked handsome as always. He always did, I never told him, just stayed silent.

"Let's go over there," I point to Caspar and Kendall. "Yeah?"

Maisey adjusts her blue sparkling dress and looks up, smiling brightly at me, "Of course!"

I smile and we walk over to Caspar, my palms sweating and my body slightly shaking. I've never been so nervous before to talk to Caspar, so why now?

"Hey guys!" I chirp loudly when we are near them. Caspar's head whips round to see me and grins brightly, as he lets go of Kendall's hand and pulls me into a hug.

I hug back as hard as I could, and I hold on. His hugs are the best. I wish I could hug him forever.

"How are you?" He asks me, now pulling away. "You look great!"

I try not to let it, but my cheeks turn bright pink and I smile, "Thank you," I reply back as calmly as possible. "You look so handsome tonight, looks like we picked the right suit, it fits your body so well..." I trail off when I see Maisey and Kendall staring at me weirdly, but Caspar's eyes are locked to my face.

It's one of those moments where I wonder, could he feel something too?

Kendall seems to notice the awkward moment and barges in between us, facing Caspar, "Care to dance?" He questions, snapping Caspar back into reality.

"I, uh, sure!" Caspar stutters, his eyes still on me. I look away, down to the floor, but when I look up again, he's gone.

I remember when me and Caspar were having a sleepover one time, and we both admitted that we wanted to kiss each other. I remember my heart beating wildly, I remember wishing he would.

"Maisey," I turn around to ask her to to dance. "Would you like to dance?" I ask her, a smile on my face.

She rolls her eyes, "Come on, I can see it." She tells me, placing her hand on her hips.

"See what?" I question her, confusion painted on my face.

"You're so in love with Caspar! Come on! You have do do something about it before it's too late!" She tells me. "You have to take him how you feel otherwise that Kendall is going to dance with him all night, he noticed too, everybody did!" She exclaimed.

I step back, taken away at how they figured it out so quickly, "Uh, but what do I do?"

She rolls her eyes again, "Go ask him to dance!"

"Only if you go and ask Alyn to dance, you've been staring at him all night." I smirk. Maisey and Alyn were best friends, but you could easily tell they liked each other.

She narrows her eyes at me, before whispering, "Deal." And rushed off to go and find Alyn.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes for a few minutes before walking forward towards Caspar.

Kendall sees me coming and immediately pulls Caspar closer, but I smirk, as Caspar has already seen me. He pulls away from Kendall and smiles brightly at me.

"Would you uh," I pause, take another deep breath and then carry on. "Maybe like to dance with me?"

"He's already dancing with me." Kendall snaps.

"I'd love to dance with you Joe! I thought you'd never ask!" Caspar exclaims brightly, ignoring Kendall's remark, making Kendall huff and walk away.

I put my arms around his shoulders and he places his hands around my waist, we glide with each other and suddenly it feels like nobody else is the room. Just me and him.

"You know, I've always wanted to kiss you..." I mutter quietly, feeling confidence rush through my body. "Ever since we started being friends, I've always wanted to be with you and hold your hand and kiss your cheek, but in a dating way. And kiss you, God, I've always wanted to kiss you."

He didn't say anything, and as I thought that I had just ruined our friendship, he pulled me closer and placed his lips softly on mine. He gripped my waist harder and I bought my hand up to his cheek.

We pulled away, our cheeks are both flushed rose red and we place our foreheads together.

"I've always wanted to do that too." He admitted.

I chuckle, "Now you always can." And bought my lips to his once again.

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