One Day You'll Be Mine Forever

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Summary: Caspar sees an advert about engagement rings on the telly, and doesn't know how to propose to Joe.
Warnings: NONE.

Joe and Caspar were cuddled on the sofa. Their legs were tangled together and Joes head was on Caspar's chest. It was normal for them, they always cuddled like this while they watched telly. Yes they were dating, they had been for a while now and it was easy to say they both were insanely happy.

As the show finished and the adverts came on, neither could be bothered to get up and get the remote; besides they both were too comftable anyways. Joe was starting to close his eyes as it was late and he was tired, however Caspar was the opposite. Caspar had eaten quite a lot of sweets, and though Joes protests were quite convincing to not eat the sweets, he still did it anyway. And now Caspar had a lot of energy, while his boyfriend was half asleep.

A young man popped on the screen, holding a silver engagement ring. His voice and the purpose of the advert ringed through Caspar's ears, Caspar focused all his attention on the advert.
"Buy a special ring today for your loved one, and be together forever. Come down to Browell Engagement Ring today and secure your love forever."
Caspar sighed and looked down at Joe with a smile and pushed some hair that had fallen in his eyes behind his face.

He took a moment to register Joes beauty, the way his now closed blue eyes would shine in the light. The way his hair always fell perfectly, sometimes without trying. His humour, his kindness, everything. Everything about Joe was perfect to Caspar. And with that thought he picked Joe up bridal style and carried him downstairs to their shared bedroom, as he continuously placed soft kisses to his forehead.

As Caspar tucked Joe into bed, he remembered that advert from earlier. In a instant, Caspar rushed to their spare room, and quickly looked for a key. As he sighed in relief as he saw the key sat on the floor, he picked it up and walked over to the locked draw.

Caspar opened the draw and rummaged to the back, and bought out a black box. He opened it and it revealed a beautiful gold ring, the ring he was going to propose to Joe with.
"One day." Caspar whispered to himself. "Me and Joe will be married, and I get the honour of calling him my husband."
The thing is, he didn't know when or where or how to propose to Joe. But that advert made him realise that it didn't matter if he didn't have some big proposing scene, all that mattered was that they are both happy.

And if Caspar and Joe are with each other, they are always happy.

It was only a month later Caspar proposed actually. Everybody was together in the Zalfie house, and they were all playing scrabble. They all knew what was going to happen, but all put on shocked faces. As they were playing scrabble, it just happened to spell out 'Will You Marry Me Joe?' And Caspar was down on one knee, grinning. Joe jumped on him and screamed yes, so many times.

"Joe Lee," Joe whispered in Caspar's ear and Caspar chuckled. "I like it."
Everybody awwed and took photos, and they all caught it on camera so they re watched it.
It was perfect.

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