It's Better Off This Way

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Summary: Joe tells Caspar how he feels on the last day before Caspar moves to his new school.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he walked home, feeling the cold air sting his face. The wind blew in his hair and the world seemed dark and grey, and it was for him at the moment.

Caspar was leaving.

Not just leaving school for a holiday, or a break. No, this time he was actually leaving. To a new school. A school that Joe wasn't at.

He told himself he'd be strong when he left.

He knew that he was going to leave. He almost got kicked out of the school once for doing something bad, but Joe wasn't expecting it to end like this.
No Caspar didn't get kicked out of the school. He chose to move.

He had told Joe so many times with wide eyes and a huge smile about his new school which he wanted to go to. But Joe didn't think he'd get in, he didn't think he'd actually leave, but he was wrong; because he is.

Correction; he just did.

He had made a bet with his friends that when they left school, he would tell him how he felt because he knew he wouldn't do it any other time. But he was moving, so they changed the deal.

"I'll tell him if he ever leaves school!" Joe laughed, unaware of how he will actually have to do this. It isn't a game. This is real life.

Telling him was the easy part. Muttering, "I've liked you for nearly two years." Then sprinting all the way home, somewhat glad that he will never see him again to find out his reaction. He ran so fast he didn't even see his reaction.

He told himself he'd be strong when he left, because he knew that he would leave eventually. Joe just didn't know it would be so soon, Joe just didn't know how much he loved him.

He wasn't strong at all; he was a mess. His friends could tell by the way he talked about him the past few days. Instead of a cheeky smirk remarking that Caspar looked hot today, they got a small whisper of, "I wish he didn't have to go."

Something inside him made himself wish he'd begged him not to go, but that would be selfish. For he's just another person Caspar will soon forget.

Suddenly someone grabbed his arm, and he quickly turned around to see Caspar standing there, panting heavily after what looked like running all the way.

"You never gave me a chance to reply," Caspar breathed out, desperately trying to catch his breath. "I had so much to say."

Joe glared at him harshly, "You never gave me a choice." He told him, ripping his arm away from Caspar's grasp.

"Why are you being so cold? You just told me you loved me!" Caspar muttered quietly, almost like if he spoke any louder he'd smash Joe into tiny pieces.

Joe blinked back tears, "You just don't understand. Please, it's better for the both of us if we just forget."

Caspar's eyes widened, "How do you expect me to forget something like that?" He commented, his hands dropping to his sides as he realised Joe doesn't want Caspar to touch him at all.

"It's easy for you. Just forget about it like all the other times when you forgot about me."

Caspar paused, "But I never-"

And it took all the will in Joe to close his eyes and whisper, "You just need to forget about me."

He looked down at the floor, tears now falling down his cheeks. It's better for the both of us, he told himself.

When he looked up, Caspar was already walking away from him.

It's better for the both of us.

It's better off this way.

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