Teardrops On My Guitar

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Summary: A song fic of 'Teardrops On My Guitar' by Taylor Swift, but the lyrics have been made into sentences.
WARNINGS: They are both in High School, meaning they aren't Youtubers.

Caspar looks at me, and I quickly fake a smile so he won't see. I want and I'm needing everything that we should be, and to me we just seem so perfect together. He's been my best friend for years, is it to wrong to want something more?

I'll bet she's beautiful that girl he talks about constantly, that girl has Caspar wrapped around her finger. He seems captivated by her every move, and he can't see me being captivated by his every move.

I wish he'd love me, but she's got everything that I have to live without.

"Hey Joe!" Caspar greets me with a smile. I smile back dreamily as he rambles on about how he exploded his product in Science.

"Oh," I stifle between laughs. "Of course you'd do that."

Caspar nods, "Yeah. When I told Lauren, she snorted with laughter!" He told me. That's when I stopped laughing.

The girl who Caspar happens to be in love with.

Thing is, I don't really have a reason to hate her. I've never met her, I've only spoken to her over the phone for a minute. Worst thing is hat she's lovely.

When she calls him, all of his attention is on her and he leaves me in a second to go and to talk to her. And when I'm with Caspar, I can't see anybody else apart from him. It hurts that he doesn't even notice.

"I'm so in love," He shakes his head in disbelief with a large grin on his face. "I've finally got it right."

I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night.

The next day me and Caspar are walking to school and I'm listening and smiling but all I'm thinking is, can he tell that I can't breathe?

He's taken my breath away today, he looks so lovely. Because there he goes, so perfectly. He's the kind of flawless I wish I could be.

"How was your night?" He asked me, and I looked up at him. It was weird how much taller than me he was, even though we were the same age.

I nodded, "It was good, I literally did nothing though." If nothing is stalked Caspar's social media pages, and then cry over them, then I literally did nothing. Okay, so maybe not. "What about you?"

He went silent, and for a moment I thought I had said something wrong. Until I looked at him, and his face had turned bright red and he was looking down at me happily.

"I asked Lauren out." He told me. I stopped walking and looked at him the eyes, feeling my heart break in two. I faked a smile so he won't see, and I nodded as if I was happy for him.

"What did she say?" I asked him, hoping the answer was that she had turned him down and he never wanted to talk to her again.

He shrugged, "She said yes."

"Oh," I muttered to myself, biting my lip. She better hold him tight and give him all her love.

"I'm happy for you." I lied.

I hope she looks in those beautiful eyes and knows she's lucky.

On the way home on the bus because my mum couldn't pick me up, I leant my head on the window. I felt like I was all alone for some reason.

I get off the bus and walk home as the bus stop is quite far away from my home, all alone again. As I step in the door, my mum rushes to me.

"How was your day?" She asked me.

I sighed, "It was great, Mum. I'm not hungry for food or anything, and I have homework to do so I'm gonna go straight to my room. Please don't disturb me." I lied.

My day was horrible. Caspar was happy, which was great, but he was happy for the wrong reason. Well, not the wrong reason. I just wanted to be the reason why he was so happy. He spent the whole day talking about Lauren, and texting her.

I close the door and lay down in bed, and grab my phone. I look at pictures of us together, making myself even more sadder.

We'd been friends since we were little, and I can't believe after all this time he still hasn't noticed. I change into more comfortable clothes, and as I turn out the light, I put his picture down.

Maybe I'll get some sleep tonight.

The next day at school, Caspar seemed more sadder on the way to school. When I asked him what was wrong, he'd just tell me to drop it. Saying that I was worried would be an understatement, he never gets like this. But I decided to drop it.

That's what he wants after all.

It was in English when something happened.

"Me and Lauren broke up," He told me out of the blue. I tried my best not to look relived, and I faked a sad expression. But before I could say something, he interrupted me. "She said I'm in love with you."

My mouth slightly dropped open, "I-I," I stuttered, I had no idea what to say. He's the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart. I've been waiting for this moment for so long, I didn't think it would actually come true.

Caspar grinned at me, "And I think she's right. We need to talk after English."

I grinned back, I couldn't believe this was actually happening!

He's the time taken up, but there's never enough, and he's all that I need to fall into. I trust him that he won't break my heart.

And the teardrops on my guitar have dried.

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If you see this, comment 'Hello Sophie'...I wanna see how many people actually read this.

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