They Never Would Expect It

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Summary: Joe is a famous singer, and has a husband. For ages, people have been trying to find out who his husband is. That is, until Joe walks into Caspar's lesson that he's teaching and kisses him.
Prompt by: papayacomplex thank you!

He had millions and millions of fans everywhere, over a billion records sold and nearly two billion hits on YouTube from his latest song, Only Got You.

Yet nobody knew the real Joe Sugg.

They all saw this famous singer, who was incredibly talented and indescribably kind. They weren't wrong on that, but it's not what they saw, it's what they didn't see. Or, who they didn't see to be exact.

People already knew that Joe was not into girls, he announced it after winning an award for his album. And of course people were supportive, and kind, and of course a few people weren't (those people don't matter.)
But as well as announcing that he was gay, he also announced that he was married. And he was telling the truth, but not to a famous rich man like everyone thought.

To Caspar Lee, the High School teacher who teaches English to moody teenagers. Nobody would ever expect that Caspar could be married to a worldwide sensation, but then again nobody would ever expect that Caspar could turn out to be an English teacher either.

Not one single person left it there though. Everybody, always watching Joe to try and find out who he is married to. He told the media that they both weren't ready to tell yet, even though they are married.

"It would destroy it, we think," Joe told the interviewer as he adjusted his hat. "We want this to be ours. Just between us, our own little love and our own little secret. We will tell when we are ready, just not now. So everybody please, leave this topic alone and wait until we are comfortable." He practically begged, shaking his head in disbelief. He still couldn't believe that he had to beg to get privacy and for people to get out of his life, but then again that was what the media was like.

But people didn't drop the subject and after his confession, things began to get worse. People started to try and follow Joe places, just so they could get a glimpse of who the lucky man is. And they were both outraged. He couldn't go anywhere without being asked about his husband, and sometimes, he really wished he had just came out instead of admitting about his husband.

Caspar sat down next to Joe, "I don't know what we are going to do." He muttered to him.
"You could pretend to be my best friend and come to the coffee shop with me? Do you reckon they'd buy it?" Joe suggested, only to be turned down by Caspar.
"No, they'd see straight through us." Caspar replied, resting his head on Joe's shoulder. "Do you think we should just come out already? I mean, they won't hate me. They've been trying to find out my identity for ages." He said to Joe.

Joe sat up to look at Caspar, "I guess we might have to. And then, this might all stop and we can go out together, finally, without having to worry about anything."
"So it's a yes?" Caspar checked.
"It's a yes."

A few days later, Caspar was at school teaching English like he normally does. To everybody else, it was just a normal day at school. But not to Caspar, he knew what was going to happen.

It was half way through the lesson with his Year Ten class, and he was fed up with teaching them all. Nobody would listen and let him teach. He hated people not listening to him.
Why did he even become a teacher in the first place?

"Right guys, I'm not going to speak over you. So any time you spend talking will be taken off your lunch time. We do have lunch afterwards, how convenient, huh?" He threatened, his anger growing as only a few people turned to pay attention. The majority of the class were still talking.

He smirked to himself, he knew that what would happen soon would make them be quiet. So instead, he repeated his warning, slumped back in his chair and counted how many minutes of lunch they'd be missing.

And almost as if it was timed, the door swung open and in walked his husband. People stopped immediately, turned to the front and all started to scream loudly.

"Oh my gosh, is that Joe Sugg?"
"Do you think he'd let me take a photo with him?"
"Joe, sign my English book or something. I want your autograph."
"I've waited years for this moment, he has finally come to ask me to marry him."
"Oh my...I'm actually crying. Look, Maisey, there's tears in my eyes!"
"What is he even doing here?"

Joe chuckled and everybody stopped talking and stared at him, "If you would like to know, I've come to see my husband."
And then came more screams.
"Wait, who's your husband?" A boy at the back asked. "There's nobody here."
Joe scoffed, "Aren't you forgetting your teacher?"
And then came more screams.

A girl stood up, "You're dating Mr Lee? Out of everybody in the English teacher? Gotta say though, I do ship it now that I see you together."

Joe walked up to Caspar, and smiled, before kissing him right in front of everybody. People started taking photos, screaming, crying, more crying.
"I guess we are free then." Joe whispered to him after they'd pulled away.

Caspar turned to his class, "Weren't expecting that one, were you?"

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