Can I Take Your Order?

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Summary: Joe works at a diner, and spills coke all down Caspar.

It was a normal day for Joe Sugg at the Maybow Diner. Taking people's orders, serving them and then cleaning it all up. Yes it was boring, but he had to have the money to take care of himself.

He inhaled deeply before walking over to a lady in the corner and greeting her with a smile, "Hello, welcome to Maybow Diner. What can I get you?" He asked politely, he always tried to be polite to people, even if they weren't nice to him in the first place.

"Coke." She replied bluntly. Joe gritted his teeth, why were people like this? His mother once taught him that someone may be nice, but if they are not nice to a waiter, then they are not nice at all.

"Anything else?" He asked in a sweet tone even though he was faking all of it.
"No." She snapped and then took a magazine out of her oversized handbag and began reading. Joe just sighed and walked away. On the way back, a girl at the front winked at Joe. He groaned. It was nice of her, but Joe isn't into girls.

Joe approached the kitchen to be welcomed by Oli's worried face.
"Hey mate, why you down?" Oli asked. Oli worked here too, he cooked the meals and even though they work together, they were great friends.

"Bitchy girl over there." Joe said, nodding his head in the direction of the rude lady reading a magazine. He got lost in thought for a moment, of how it would feel to hold someone, to call them yours. Sure, Joe has had plenty of boyfriends, but he's never felt true love. He's never felt that something when you touch.
"And the fact that I don't have a boyfriend either, that sucks."

Oli hummed in response, poured a coke and handed it to Joe. He thanked Oli and began walking to the lady.
On his way to the lady, the girl who winked at him earlier waved at him. Joe turned his head to look at her and give her a disapproving glare but ended up walking straight into someone, spilling coke all down them.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Joe rambled. He looked up and saw beautiful blue eyes.
"It's fine, really." A deep voice chuckled. Joe took a moment to register his features, he was extremely attractive.

"Come into the kitchen, I'll clean you up." Joe suggested, and the mystery boy nodded.
A few minutes later, Joe was in the kitchen cleaning up the coke on the boys jumper when suddenly he spoke up.

"My name is Caspar by the way, Caspar Lee." Caspar told him.
Joe smiled and stopped what he was doing and looked up at him, "My name is Joe, Joe Sugg."

"It's nice to meet you Joe," Caspar said, and held out his hand for Joe to shake. "I would've thought I would have remembered someone like you, you're very cute." Caspar admitted, a blush creeping on his face.

Joe was beaming, he called him cute! Wait, does he have a chance?

"Are you gay?" Joe asked, and Caspar's face dropped slightly.
"I am. If you have a problem with that then screw you! I can just go I do-"
"No stay! I am too!" Joe shouted, grabbing Caspar's arm and interrupting him.
They both felt the butterflies.
They both tried to ignore it.

They decided after wards that while they wait for Caspar's jumper to dry, they might as well get something to eat.
They sat down at the table and began to chat, when suddenly the lady from earlier walked up to Joe.

"I've been waiting for half an hour, where the hell is my coke?" She shouted loudly, outraged at the lack of service.
Ah yes, Joe had totally forgotten about the rude bitch in the corner.
"Excuse me, if you don't mind, we were trying to have a conversation." Caspar butted in, and the lady looked at him in shock.

"So you know, if you don't mind." Caspar made hand gestures telling her to go away.
Joe grinned from ear to ear, and the lady stormed out of the diner ranting about how she hates this place.

At least she won't come back.

Joe and Caspar chatted for what seemed like ages, sipping on milkshakes and laughing at each other's stories; slowly learning more about each other.

Both of them had developed a small crush in the past few hours, but we're both to scared to admit it.

Joe's boss knew that he wasn't working, but she could care less. There was hardly anybody in the diner and besides, she was too busy fangirling with Oli about how cute they looked together.

Caspar checked the time and gasped, he really needed to get back home but he didn't want to leave Joe. He wanted to give him his number, but he was too scared of rejection.

You only live once.

"So, I'd better be going. But here's my number, you know if you wanna text me and stuff." Caspar explained, but when suddenly he decided to back out when he saw the look on Joe's face. To Caspar it looked like disappointment, but really Joe face was just filled with shock and happiness. "Unless you don't want to! That's fine too I mean-"
"Caspar, calm down. Of course I will text you, I'll also come and help you out with your jumper now."

They walked to the kitchen and Caspar grabbed his jumper at the same time as Joe. Their hands touched like in the movies. Their eyes instantly locked together as they felt electricity rush through their veins.

Both boys smiled, not only because the coke stain had come out, but because they both knew that they had found something.
They had found long, powerful love.
In a little diner.

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