The Risk Taker

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Summary: Caspar texts Joe in class, and then gets caught... (Based loosely off a true story)

Dedicated to Ellie, love you lots <3 ( jaspar_tronnor_phan )

Caspar chuckled down at his phone as he read Joe's text message. He'd had countless lectures from teachers about texting in class, and he knew it was wrong. But it was only art, and he could care less as he had trouble even drawing a stickman.

Don't you think Miss kind of looks like a lizard??

Caspar quickly looked up to check his teacher wouldn't see him texting back, before looking back down and typing back.

They were in the same class but their teacher had  put them on opposite sides of the classroom because they talked all the time. Of course, they still found a way.

Joe was Caspar's best friend. He loved talking to him all the time, so of course he'd always find a way to talk to him.

Yes! When you see it you can't unsee it!!

He chuckled again before putting his phone in his pocket and deciding to listen for a bit.

This was very hard when his phone was constantly buzzing with Joe's texts.

Caspar glanced over at Joe, amazed at how he managed to text but look like he was listening. Joe was a pro at it, so to their delight he never got caught.

Caspar did get caught once, actually. It was about a month ago in Geography when he quickly texted Joe asking what movie they wanted to watch.

Of course they never got to go and see that movie that night, as Caspar got a detention and when his parents found out, he got grounded for two nights.

They went another time. Joe didn't want to go without Caspar.

Or couldn't. They did everything together. It was a surprise when you saw them and they weren't talking or smiling at each other or laughing at something someone had just said. It was like they were joined at the hip.

So Joe being a pro at texting under the table was a bonus, because that means they get to spend more time together. Caspar would just have to be careful not to get caught.

He quickly looked down at his phone which was buzzing madly, and decided just to risk it and look at his phone. After all, it might be important.

Yeahhh so do you want to go out?


Are you ignoring me?


Fine then, two can play at this game. Caspar who? ;)

Caspar rolled his eyes and went to type a reply when suddenly he heard his name. His eyes widened when he looked up and saw the teacher staring daggers into him.

"Caspar Lee, are you texting in class? In my class?" The teacher said, her voice getting louder by the minute.

Panic flushed through him and he looked down at his phone that was clearly on the table, "No?" He said back more like a question.

She sighed, "See me at the end of class. Give me your phone."

Caspar looked over at Joe who had worry painted all over his face, which made Caspar feel warm inside.
He cares about me, he thought.

He then stood up and placed the phone on his teachers desk and walked back to his table.

At the end of the lesson, once everybody had left and Joe was waiting outside, Caspar walked up to the teachers table.

"I hope you know that texting in my class is not allowed. I will give you a warning as this is the first time you did this, but I want you to-" She started, but was interrupted by Caspar.

"He's my boyfriend." He blurted out suddenly. His teacher looked taken back for a minute before she nodded.

"Oh. I didn't know that. Uh, I'm sorry to have taken away that time from you. Um, you are dismissed, take your phone. Don't do it again." She stammered, obviously shocked.

Caspar nodded and rushed out the classroom not looking back once. Joe was going to kill him! He wasn't his boyfriend, even though maybe a bit of him wanted him to be...

When they first started talking he felt something, something he hadn't before, and he knew that he didn't just like him as a friend. And a part of him hoped that he felt the same way.

But deep down he knew that he wouldn't, and that was okay. He was straight as far as he knew, so that means that dating Caspar would be the thing furthest from reality.
That was okay. As long as Joe was happy.

"How did it go?" Joe asked as soon as he got the classroom. "Did you get in trouble?"

Caspar gulped, "Don't kill me, but to get out of it...I kind of told her you were sort of my boyfriend."

Instead of hearing Joe complain with disgust, he heard laughter. He looked up to Joe crying with laughter, making Caspar start to laugh too.

Once they had calmed down, Joe smiled and whispered to Caspar, "So how about a movie tonight, boyfriend?"

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