Never Without You

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Summary: Jack has a crush on Caspar, Joe gets a little jealous...
WARNINGS: Violence.
A/N- Requested by Chanel-In-Wonderland , hope you enjoy it!

"Welcome! Come on in." Caspar cheered as Dan and Phil entered Caspar and Joe's new home. They had recently just bought a new apartment, one that was better for them. And since they only needed one bedroom now that they sleep together, it was much more practical too.

"Nice apartment," Dan complemented, linking his hand with Phil's. "It's, big." He said awkwardly.
Caspar laughed. "Yeah it is I guess, thanks."
Dan and Phil smiled, and walked inside and Caspar closed the door. He turned around to see Joe, and he grinned at him before turning back to the door because he heard a knock.

He opened it to see Jack and Finn, smiling widely at him.
"Hiya!" Caspar chirped and they made their way inside. Jack turned around however, and to Caspar's surprise, said something he wasn't expecting.
"May I just say you are looking hot tonight." Jack whispered in Caspar's ear, before winking, and turning back around and walking away. Caspar blushed, and turned back to the door once he heard another knock. Joe saw what had happened, but decided to just it past. It was probably a one time thing. He thought.
He was wrong.

All throughout the night, Jack was winking at Caspar. After being puzzled all night, Caspar decided to go and speak to Finn to see what was going on.
"Hey Finn." Caspar greeted, smiling brightly at him. Finn returned the gesture.
"Hi Caspar." Finn said back. Caspar sighed, rubbing his eyes.
"I think we have a problem." Caspar muttered, and Finn's smile dropped.
"Oh." He muttered, leaning closer to Caspar. "What's wrong?"
Caspar looked around him, checking nobody was around him.
"Basically, Jack has been winking at me all night. Does he like me?"

Finn bit his lip, and grabbed Caspar's arm. "Come with me." He said. "I'll explain somewhere where there's less people around."
Caspar nodded. "Okay, let's go to mine and Joe's room."
They both walked to Joe and Caspar's room, and Finn closed the door.
"Okay, so I guess you are confused? Tell me exactly what he did tonight." Finn said, sitting down on the bed.
"Right." Caspar took a deep breath. "When he came in, he said 'may I say you are looking hot tonight' which I was a little confused about, but I thought he was just being nice. And then all tonight he's been winking at me." Caspar explained, fiddling with his hands nervously.

"He did tell me that he had a little crush on you, I didn't even know he was into boys! I mean he has a girlfriend, too. I told him not to do anything, because you and Joe are together, but I guess he didn't listen. Ugh, he's so annoying!" Finn complained, and Caspar sighed. "I'll tell him to back off." Finn stood up, and Caspar grabbed his arm.
"NO!" He shouted. "I mean, um, don't be mean. Just lightly let him know that I'm with Joe, and me and him could never happen. Please just don't be mean."
Finn nodded. "Okay." Caspar thought that would be the end of it.
He was wrong. Again.

Him and Joe were talking about how well the party was going, when suddenly Jack approached Caspar. Caspar's heart started beating wildly in his chest, praying that Jack would turn the other way. He knew that Joe got incredibly jealous all the time, he didn't need this right now.
"Hhhei." Jack slurred, placing his hands on Caspar's shoulders. Oh, he was drunk. Very drunk.
"Hi," Caspar said, trying to remove Jack's hands from his shoulders. Joe gritted his teeth, he didn't like this one bit. "Uh, your a bit drunk. Don't you think that you should-"

And Jack kissed him.

Gasps echoed around him, and he quickly pushed Jack off him. He looked around at Joe to see anger burning in his eyes, and out of nowhere Joe punched Jack right in the face.
More gasps could be heard, and Jack stumbled back and Finn quickly rushed over.
"What the hell happened?" He shouted, holding Jack. Nobody said anything. "Well, is someone going to speak up and tell me?"
"He was kissing my boyfriend. That's not okay! So I punched him in the face." Joe shouted back, Finn rolled his eyes.
"That's not a good reason to punch someone in the face." Finn mumbled. Joe stomped his foot on the ground in anger, and everybody looked at him in shock.

"No, I think it is! It's not okay to kiss someone who is in a relationship, I may be a little jealous but even if I wasn't, I would punch him anyways. For God's sake, I was going to propose tonight. It was supposed to be our big night, Caspar. It's all ruined now." Joe shouted, Caspar's jaw dropped. He walked over to Joe, who was now crying, and put his arm around him.
"It's okay." He comforted, kissing Joe's messy hair. "You were going to propose though?" He questioned, and Joe nodded and pulled out a ring.
"Here it is." Joe whispered, and looked into Caspar's eyes.

This is the right time.

"Caspar Lee, I may have just punched someone in the face and cried, but I think this is the right time." He got down on one knee. Caspar covered his mouth with his hand. "I had a whole speech planned and shit, I can't remember any of it so I'll just have to make it up as I go along. I want to give you my forever. That's it. I want to spend my days with you, and only you. I want to laugh with you, and smile with you, and do everything with you. Never without you. So that's why I'm asking, Caspar, will you marry me?"


The wedding was beautiful. It was a bright day, everybody was happy. Everything was perfect.


One day, though it was a while, they soon passed away.

Caspar Sugg-Lee.
Died 23rd April 2071, 8:45 PM.

Joe Sugg-Lee.
Died 12th January 2078, 9:11 PM.

And Joe meant the speech he said when he proposed. They did spend their days together, and the days that Joe was alone, were his worst days. They had a saying though - one that they always said in the darkest of times, the one that they said at their wedding, the one they said to each other when Caspar passed away.

Never Without You.

Because they never wanted to be alone, and to them, they never would be. Not if they had each other in their hearts.
Joe meant every single word. And he stuck to them.

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