Proud Of Us

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Summary: Joe and Caspar's coming out video. Caspar explains how they met and stuff.
Submitted by @XxLarrylovexxxx , thank you for the SUGGestion! I had so much fun writing it :D

"Hey guys, so today I have a very special video..." Joe said to the camera, making a surprised face. "Some stuff has happened recently, and we decided its time. Oh wait - did I say we?" Joe said in a fake confused tone, tilting his head. "By we I meant, me and Caspar Lee!"
Caspar jumped in onto the shot, smiling brightly at Joe. Joe smiled a huge grin back as Caspar sat on the bed.
"Hello guys!" Caspar cheered loudly, and Joe covered his ears pretending for his ears to hurt by how loud Caspar was shouting. "My name is Caspar Lee."
"They know who you are Caspar. And if they don't, then that's quite strange. I mean you are literally on my channel one hundred percent of the time."

Caspar rolled his eyes. "So you may of heard Joe say that this was a special video, well prepare yourselves, it is." Caspar looked at Joe, and Joe nodded.
"It's time for you to know," Joe linked his hand with Caspar's, and kissed his cheek. The two got closer together. "Me and Caspar are a couple."

Silence was heard after that sentence was spoken, and the two boys felt like a giant weight had been lifted off their chests.
"I think a million Jaspar fangirls have fainted right now," Caspar joked. "Just like the time when Dan and Phil came out as a couple, Tumblr was literally broken. I saw some tweets saying that people had passed out because of the news. Everybody was so happy, hopefully you'll be happy about us being a couple too."
Joe laughed. "Yeah."
"Now," Caspar said, removing his hand from Joe's and instead putting over Joe's shoulder. "You might be wondering how this all happened..."
"I want to tell the story!" Joe shouted, and Caspar shook his head.
"No, I'm telling the story. You can tell the next story."
"But that's not fair."
"Life's not fair."

"Okay, this is how we met..." Caspar whispered, trying to make the atmosphere scary. Joe scoffed.
"You are really going that far back? I'm pretty sure they all know how we met." Joe rolled his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time today.
Caspar nodded. "I like telling it." He laughed when he saw Joe huff.
"Fine. I guess I like hearing it too."

- (it's like a story version)-

Joe breathed a deep breath of relief as he walked into the gym. It was pouring down outside, and he forgot to bring an umbrella; and besides, wearing short gym trousers weren't the most warmest things he could have worn. He smiled at the receptionist, who smiled back before looking back down at her computer.
Joe walked up to the vending machine, he put his money in and then picked a drink. It began to work, but then suddenly it stopped.
When the drink was almost at the bottom.
He groaned, before hitting it with his hand hoping for it to move again. To his despair, it stayed the same place. He put down his wallet on the floor, and began kicking the vending machine. Unluckily, the drink stayed in the same place. He kicked and punched it hoping that it would just fall and then he could have his drink, he paid three pounds for this and-

"Eh, excuse me?" A voice could be heard from behind him, and he turned around. There stood a angry looking man, who according to his badge on his shirt, was the manger. Next to him stood a tall blonde man, giggling at Joe.
Oh my god. Joe thought to himself. The blonde guy is really hot.
"Could you please explain why you are damaging our property?" The manger said, crossing his arms over his chest. The blonde man, who was in gym clothes, stood next to him trying to hold in his laugher.
"Well to be honest Frank," The blonde man muttered. Joe almost fell over at the sound of his accent, it was beautiful. "It did the same to me last week, I had to punch it- uh, never mind. Just repay, um, sorry what's your name?"
Joe smiled and held out his hand to shake. "My name is Joe." The blonde man smiled back and shook Joe's hand.

"Nice to meet you Joe, my name is Caspar."
The manger sighed, and turned to Caspar. "Look Caspar, I love making friends and all but I have to go. Big meeting and all, bye." And with that, he rushed off.
"Sorry for Frank," Caspar apologised. "He's a big manger and all. He's my friend, and let's me have free gym sessions, I'm defiantly not complaining."
Joe laughed. "Your lucky." He turned back around to the vending machine. "I'm not being lucky at the moment though, I wish this would work."

Then, out of nowhere, Caspar walked up to the back of the vending machine and punched it. Suddenly not only the drink Joe wanted fell down, but three others.
"The good thing about being friends with the manager is you know where all faults are."

"So Joe, are you an angel or is it just me? No wait, I messed that up. Let me start again."
Joe laughed. He liked this guy.

- Coming out video -

"So that's how we first met." Caspar finished, throwing his arms up in the air. "And after that we became friends and met at the gym nearly everyday. I didn't like going so often, but if I got to see him then it was so worth it. And about nearly a year ago, we discovered there was something more and began dating. Sorry we took so long to tell you, we just wanted to keep it a secret for a little longer. But we're ready now, we've always been ready but I guess we were just scared. We hope you'll accept us."

"This is my video and you've spoke the whole time." Joe complained, poking Caspar in the chest playfully. "We hope you all accept us, we love you all. Thank you. Tune in next time for another Sugg Sunday special, wahoo!"

They ended the video, and Joe turned to Caspar.
"I'm so proud of you, I'm proud of everything." Joe whispered in Caspar's ear.
"I know baby. I'm proud of us."

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