Chapter Five

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"Babe, have you seen my phone?"

"Nope but I can call you." Erick swore his heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe he had forgotten his phone for anyone to find.

"I'm calling right now." Erick felt his chest contract as he continued to look for it in the room.

Aila decided to go out and shout, "Guys! Erick lost his phone, I'm calling."

"I hear it!" Hoseok answered, "I think it's in the kitchen!"

Erick felt his lungs catch a breath. Good. He knew Jimin and Aila had spent time painting outside and everyone else was doing their own thing.

"Hoba heard it in the kitchen. Let me call it again." Both of them got to the kitchen as Hoseok found it under a plastic bag.

"You left all day without your phone?"

"Guess I did Hobi, I completely forgot, just excited to go out and take photos I guess" Hoseok laughed as he handed the phone back to Erick.

He looked at the notifications and saw missed calls and a few messages.

"Can we please order some food guys! I'm starving!" Jimin came into the kitchen and put his arms around Aila and Erick.

Erick quickly hid his phone in his back pocket, he would have to check the messages later.

"Ima call the rest to see what they want." Hoseok made his way out to scream for everyone to report to the kitchen.

"Shit, I would have done that if that's what he meant by calling." Aila rolled her eyes.

She looked over at Erick and saw him tense. He probably saw a message from work. She felt bad he's wasting his time when he has so much work at his company. She'll make sure to help him once he gets back.

Yoongi and Jungkook stepped through, both freshly showered.

After a little bit, Seokjin, Namjoon and Taehyung stepped through the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh guys! What took you so long! I'm starving." Jimin whined.

Seokjin went up to his husband, pulling him into a hug and gave him a quick peck on the lips, "sorry baby, we were just cuddling and getting Tae off is a struggle."

"If you give me more kisses I might forgive you."

Multiple groans were heard around the room as Aila chuckled.

"Ok fine! Damn can't I be sweet to my husband?"

"No we want to eat!"

Seokjin rolled his eyes as he followed everyone out the house.


Aila didn't know what was different, she just could tell something was off.

Erick had been more stressed, I guess she could say. She saw him trying to enjoy himself and doing a good job at it, but then suddenly it was like a thought would cross his mind and he would crumble.

She didn't ask. Because she knew he was trying to hide it for the trip. She knew he would come to her if he needed advice on anything, he always did.

On the other hand, she had Taehyung, Namjoon and Seokjin be very short with everyone. All three kept whispering to themselves, having conversations between them that looked more like arguments. The air was just off about them, to the point the others noticed as well and asked them what was wrong. But they would always just shake their heads and turn around.

It would seem Aila was the only one to make them feel better. Whenever she came around, Erick would light up and forget about whatever was on his mind.

And it would seem the three sour soulmates couldn't resist her charm as well, anything she wanted to do, they got up and did with no hesitation.

It made her feel special.

Unfortunately, the rest of the week went by too fast and they had to get back to reality.


"Hey Taehyung! Are you busy?"

"Ummm, no? Why are you asking?"

"Well are you? Or are you not?"

"Ummm, I'm not?"

"It's nothing bad, I was wondering if you want to go for a walk with me? Just around the park then up the trail, nothing too crazy."

"Isn't Erick home?"

"Umm, he's been busy since we got back from the trip with work. So he's been coming home late, and I felt like I need to spend time with you!"

Aila's words broke Taehyung. He knew the truth and this was a constant fight with the other two.

"Yeah let's go, Im down."

"Awesome! Im knocking on your door as we speak." Aila hung up as Jungkook opened their door.

"Hey Kookie! I'm here to pick up Taehyung. We are going to a park."

"Taehyung, Aila's—"

"Coming!" Taehyung was already rushing down the stairs as Jungkook yelled for him. Taehyung gave Jungkook a sweet kiss before taking Aila by the hand and off their porch.

"C'mom beautiful lady, we have a date."

The drive to the park was about 30 minutes. The ride was filled with laughter as both joked around and sang their hearts out to Bruno Mars.

Taehyung hadn't paid attention to the drive , not until he recognized the park as soon as they parked.

"Aila! This is the park I was telling you about!"

"Aha! I wanted to surprise you! They just decorated for Christmas so there's a bunch of lights. I know the flowers are all dead, but there is something beautiful about the trees, even when they don't have any leaves."

Taehyung felt his heart flutter at her gesture. They exited the car and immediately began walking the park. It was a botanical garden, dead in winter, but just as beautiful.

Aila bought some hot chocolate as they walked along the different sections of the park and as they admired the houses, more like little castles made out of trees. 

Simple architectural artwork.

Taehyung felt like he hadn't had fun like this in a long time. They watched the sunset on the Japanese bridge with ducks and swans swimming on the lake.

They didn't talk much as they watched the blue sky paint to pinks, reds and oranges.

Taehyung thought the sunset had been one of the most beautiful ones he had seen in his life.

He looked over and saw Aila so enraptured with the sight. He looked over her profile, really took a good look at it. She had thick lips, parted, with soft pink checks. Her light brown eyes always looked beautifully contrasted to her light tan skin. He noticed how beautiful arched her dark eye brows were and how long her hair seemed, curls loose for the wind to move.

He looked away as he noticed the longing take place in his heart. He wanted to know what her lips felt like. If they were as cushion as they looked.

The thought shook his conscious. Dread and panic settled in his chest.

He shook the thoughts as nothing more than just curiosity, and kept looking at the sky.

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