Chapter Seventy Two

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****italics is said in English*****

They were all sitting in the middle of the empty apartment, on the floor when the door bell rang.

"It's late. Are you expecting anyone one?" Taehyung asked.

"Not that I know of." She got up but stopped when she heard the code be entered and the door swing open.

"Aila! My love!"

They heard the voice of a woman they had never heard before.

"Ah! Antônia! Guys!! You came to visit!?"

Aila didn't hesitate to run towards the door and jump in the arms of the woman.

"Of course we came babe, we needed to see your apartment!" Another woman's voice echoed.

The seven soulmates heard more voices and more commotion at the entrance. They began to sit up when Erick, followed by four people they had never seen before, stepped into the kitchen.

"Oh, hey guys! I didn't know you guys were here." Erick stopped for a second as he recognized the group of soulmates.

"Yeah we told Aila we were coming to see her apartment." Yoongi answered, voice monotone.

"Oh, sorry. We wanted to surprise her. We even brought food."

"So did we." Yoongi answered.

Aila didn't know why the room felt awkward. No that was the wrong word, maybe hostile, even uncomfortable.

"Well since you guys also decided to visit, let me introduce you guys."

Aila introduced her crushes to Erick's soulmates.  

It took a lot of work.

Erick was good in Korean, Aila had done a great job teaching him. But the others not so much. And Namjoon was the only one fluently in speaking English. Aila knew Seokjin and Yoongi understood a lot, more than what they lead on.

Aila, Erick and Maria also spoke Spanish and English.

Vannozzo Italian, Spanish, English and German.

Antônia Portuguese, Spanish, English and broken Korean.

Nyala spoke Amharic, English and Korean, along with a few other dialects.

So they all agreed to speak Korean, broken Korean and English when they couldn't fully communicate.

After introductions were done, Vannozzo placed three bags of food in the middle of the floor, next to the boxes of pizza that had been laid out.

"Guys I'm sorry, I don't have anywhere to sit." Aila continued to say the phrase in English.

"You have a huge apartment with a floor, of course you have where to sit." Erick told her instead.

"It's fine hon. Oh come sit here beside me please. I've missed you." Nyala padded the floor space next to her.

"Oh, she was driving me insane with you! She kept complaining about not being able to see you and how talking and texting were not enough for her." Erick confessed to the group as he reached for a slice of pizza.

"Well can you blame me? I feel like I've met my soulmate and I didn't get to see her for a whole week!" Nyala responded to Erick's side comment.

The bigger group of soulmates stayed quiet, mostly observing the way Nyala looked at Aila.

Her and Antônia? They think that's we was her name. Both of them hadn't taken their eyes off Aila as soon as they stepped in the apartment.

Nyala sat glued to Aila's side, overlapping their legs together and Antônia sat on her other, also doing the same.

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