Chapter Nineteen

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Hoseok knew he wanted to do something with dancing.

He loved it.

He loved being in control of his body. He loved feeling the music as he moved to the rhythm of the beat. He loved the praising from the people. He liked how people watched him, captivated by his movements. 

He wanted to do something with dancing.

His parents supported him. His older sister did as well.

At the age of sixteen, he moved to Seoul to pursue a career in dance. He was able to finish high school while enrolling in a dance studio. He was very dedicated, always working hard no matter how hard or tired his body felt.

He made a couple of friends, he kept in contact with his family, and they always offered kind words to him. The times when he felt like giving up, he would call his mom with tears in his eyes. She always made him feel better. He absolutely missed everyone but he wanted to make them proud.

So he stayed.

Giving up was not an option.

One fateful night, his friend invited him to the underground scene. Many kids who wanted to make a name for themselves would perform on stage, whether they did rap, hip hop or dance battles.

Hoseok was captivated by it. It made him feel small seeing so much talent but it also ignited his passion for his art. He wanted to inspired people just the same as he was.

"Next up!!! Give it up!!! Coming all the way from Ilsan!! Runch Randa!!!" The crowed cheered the loudest.

Hoseok was curious as to who Runch Randa was? What the fuck is even that name? He noticeda kid, probably the same age as him come up in stage. The boy had his hair permed! He had an Afro! That was the first time Hoseok had seen hair like it. He also wore sunglasses, as to why he did, Hoseok didn't know. How could he even see in the dark club.

But the crowed seem to love him the most out of the four other rappers on stage. He was good, not the best but Hoseok felt the passion for his art.

Hoseok wanted that. He wanted to perform in front of people and get the attention like he was.

Hoseok was having so much fun watching the rappers battle each other he didn't even feel when the show ended. Too soon for his liking.

He quickly made his way through the sea of people towards the stage. He wanted to meet him.

"Right guys! Now welcome to the stage Gloss!"

Hoseok didn't pay attention to whoever was coming up next, but the crow loved him as well. He wanted to met him and ask about his hair out of all things.

He didn't make it on time as he watched the young rapper disappeared.

But one thing he knew, he going to meet him.


Hoseok kept coming to the underground scene. He eventually started to perform on the streets and on stage as Smile Hoya.

He liked the attention and kept hoping he would run into Runch Runda. 

He got his chance 3 months later, after his performance. He stood backstage and anticipated for the younger rapper to go up and perform.

He waited patiently for him to finish, for his fans to cheer for him. He stood on the side of the stage and waited.

His heart picked up as he noticed the show coming to an end and everyone make their way out the club.

"Hoya! You did great today man, like always bro." One of his friends came up and said hi to him. He smiled at him. It felt good to have everyone watching and complementing afterwards. It made him feel special.


"See you next time bro, well....actually, there's a party if you want to come?" Hoseok hesitated. He needed to catch him.

He looked back where he was just standing and saw he was gone already. His happy personality deflated at being so close

"Yeah I guess I'll go."

"Awesome! Let's go!"


Hoseok didn't know what to expect. This was just first time going to a party, but it was just another club.

How was he even in? He was underaged, yet he didn't say anything and followed his friend through an entrance.

They didn't get checked.

Music was loud.

The crowed was hyped.

And he didn't know what the hell was going on.

Yet he smiled as his friend invited him to sit towards the back, away from the crowned of people.

Hoseok was beginning to feel uncomfortable. He didn't know everyone at the table, though he did catch some of the performers.

He recognized Gloss.

Hoseok knew Gloss was older than him, and wanted to be a producer but Hoseok thought he needed to be a rapper instead. His talent was too much to just produce songs.

He was a skinny looking boy, with a gummy smile and pale skin. He kind of reminded Hoseok of a cat, or a cute dumpling. He looked quiet and soft but had sharp and precise words. Hoseok still needed to meet him, one of the best rappers in the underground scene.

Hoseok had heard rumors he had more than one soulmate and one was rich, son of CEOs.

Must be nice thought Hoseok.

In the flashing lights and the hazy atmosphere, he saw another group of people approach the table.

He looked up and froze when he saw Runch Runda. He came to know the real boys name: Namjoon, same year, and for the first time, he was close.

Hoseok kept a watch as he noticed Namjoon talking with his friends, drink in hand. He looked comfortable but shy at the same time.

He didn't even notice when Namjoon had made his way towards the table , looking dizzy with the lights. Hoseok wanted to make sure to see if he could maybe, just maybe finally speak to Namjoon.

He recognized Supreme Boi so he went up to the guy to say hi. It was hard to talk with the loud music, but the boys shook hands and talked about tonight's show.

Then finally Supreme Boi asked Hoseok if he had ever met Runch Randa. Hoseok shook his head no and looked towards the boy with anticipation and a smile. 

When he met Namjoon's face he noticed the boy had dimples, the cutest ones he had seen and sharp dragons eyes. He was cute and looked clumsy even maybe a little shy, but determined as well.

However nothing could prepare Hoseok for what happened next.

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