Chapter Thirty Two

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It was hard to run away from moments like this.

Moments where desire consumes everything, where there is no logic, just ardor and passion. A yearning that begins with one, then slowly and rapidly moves onto the next one. Their hunger was set alight seeing the need one had for the other. Seeing how much the physical aspect of their bond needed to be fulfilled made the others feel thirst, a thirst that could only be quenched as their bodies moved to the pleasure the bond was consumed in.

Every touch, every movement, every time their bodies bounced in sync took them higher and closer to an intense tension, to a fast pleasurable release at the height of their sexual arousal. Their minds gave out, bodies gasping for air, as their releases's exhaustion finally settled in.

The bond hummed with satisfaction, with love, with the needed to stay close to one another even when they were sticky and sweaty. Hoseok and Jungkook untangled themselves from the pile of limbs in the bed and tiredly made their way to get towels to clean the others. They carefully made sure everyone was decent enough before cleaning themselves and diving back up into the pile, soundlessly falling asleep.

They woke up feeling better. Namjoon wasn't the only one that seemed to be frustrated. All had felt irritated, maybe annoyed, with a nagging feeling in the pit of their stomachs, a constant reminder that something didn't feel right. However the frustrating part came when they didn't know why they were feeling that way.

Namjoon thought back at why he had wanted to be so close to Yoongi. Not that he didn't want to be close to him, but something had pushed him to feel like he needed his soulmate. He would go crazy if he didn't touch his Yoongi. Moments like this do happen in the bond but they are usually driven when their souls feel something is wrong. It's an unconscious pull of the bond to fix something they don't know is broken.

However, the past few days, the only thing that has thrown them out of loop was Aila. Namjoon disregarded Aila as being the source of their passionate night. So he thought maybe it was because they haven't spend so much time together?

He didn't think much of it as he snuggled into Jimin. All had called out from work. Having the bond fell like it needs to be nurtured, they stayed behind to cuddle and be lazy all day. They took showers in the morning, got into fresh washed pajamas, then spend the day giving each other sweet kisses and light touches.

All day was spent in each other's laps, laughing over stupid conversations, while they gave each other lovey dovey stares. It was sickening to anyone else. They were capable of making the whole world feel like it was third wheeling.

"At least now we know of what we have to do for Yoongi to be sweet with us." Taehyung mumbled loud enough for all of them to hear.

"What do you mean? I'm always sweet to you. I let you do whatever you want with me. Remember how you threw me on your back as you limbo the other time?"

Taehyung laughed at the memory, but he wasn't going to be distracted so easily, "I'm taking about how sweet you were with Aila. It made me feel like we were interrupting." Yoongi felt his cheeks feel warm.

It wasn't that he was trying to be sweet, or that he didn't care about his soulmates. He just felt like doing something nice for Aila. He had been there, when she found out about Erick's infidelity. He watched her cry, try to drown the pain behind a facade. He watched her pretend like she was ok so both Hoseok or him wouldn't keep asking her how she was doing. He watch the pain in her eyes. He saw how strong she was. He saw how she accepted the pain. He admired her for that, now more than ever.

She was beautiful. Just a single weekend had made him feel connected to her, had made him care for her. Not knowing how she was doing for a week made his nerves weak. When she finally visited them, he felt his lungs breath fresh air, the distress finally vanishing when he saw that smiled. Yoongi acted accordingly to how he felt.

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