Chapter Fifty Two

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Aila was confused as to who she had gone to lunch with.

She thought it was cute Jungkook, the baby of the group.

But this man was different. He knew the things to say to make her shy, the places to linger with his eyes. He knew the right spots to place his hand lightly, giving her just a second of what it feels like to be held by him.

This man knew what his words implied as he said them to her. He was sweet but threatening. These words made Aila think he was real about his feelings for her.

He was a danger to her heart.

This was a man that knows when to play hard with the things he wants.

And right now, her mind and heart told her he wanted her.

How fucking delusional was she?

She almost laughed to herself on the way back to the cafe, after Jungkook had argue to take her back to her car, opening the door for her and  pulled the seatbelt over her body, his face inches away from hers.

She tried to move back, but the seat held her in place. 

She noticed a mole in his ear and three on his cheek. His hair looked soft, a soft dark brown. She had noticed it had gotten a little longer, his undercut making the top lay perfectly.

Jungkook seemed like the perfect combination of all his soulmates.

And right now she didn't know what she was feeling. Erick's image hadn't come to her mind as of lately.

Her mind kept telling her, showing her moments that involved all seven.

There's no way she liked all of them.

She needed to think about this.

However, it wasn't going to make a difference in the end. They are soulmates and she's just their friend.

"You ok?" Jay's voice disturbed Aila.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"You sure, it looks like you have a lot in your mind? Maybe I can help."

"It's just.... I'm just waiting on Erick to see how's he coming along." She lied.

"Have you talked to him?"

"No, I, I've seen his car and that's about it. I tried to not think about him."

I actually don't think about him now

"When you are ready, reach out to him. I'm sure when things start to move along with his soulmates, he'll get in contact with you. You have a special place in his heart."

She smiled at his words.

He also held a special place in her heart.

"You seem better though. You have begun to smile and laugh more. It's like, you are moving on. I'm happy." Jay wasn't stupid.

He had began to see the enamored look on her face when she started talking about a certain group of men. He hasn't said anything, because it just might be his jealousy making things up. But he's always payed very close attention to Aila. He can practically read her like a book. 

And the look on her face has began to look like someone who feels something for someone. That stage where everything they do gives butterflies, makes sweat appear, cheeks feel hot and hurt from smiling.

He was confused. At first he thought it was one of them, but recently, her conversation switch between all seven.

"Thanks Jay. I do feel better. Way better."

"I'm glad."


Jungkook had demanded a family meeting. He needed to tell his hyungs about lunch.

"So first, I need to say he was shitting his pants. Man forgot how to go out on a date." Seokjin cut Jungkook off before he could began to talk.

A few snickers sounded off in their room.

"Guys! Fine I won't tell you guys anything." Jungkook pouted and stomped his feet.

"Oh don't be a brat, just tell us." Yoongi said, hoping the pouty Jungkook would ignore Seokjin's comment.

"Audrey asked me out."

"Again? I thought you told her no?" Hoseok asked.

"She always gives it a try every now and then. Anyways so she comes up to me after I left hyung's office and gets in the elevator with me. We walk out and she asked me out to lunch and I was having a hard time telling her no when Aila just came up from no where and kissed my cheek and asked if I was ready to go."

Jungkook saw the rest of his soulmates smile in the satisfaction that Audrey got to see that.

"That's our girl." Jimin praised.

"You should have seen her! She completely shut Audrey up. But that's not the point, you know the satisfaction we feel when we successfully make each other fluster or shy or overwhelmed? Well I kept getting that feeling throughout lunch. I asked her if she was jealous and she said yes, then I held her hand and it was just, her reactions, they were giving me that type of satisfaction. Like when it's one of you guys. And it encouraged me to keep pushing and pushing. But guys, she didn't, it didn't feel one sided. My soul was telling she was responding."

They stayed quiet.

They didn't know what to think.

Soul bonds are more perceptive and attentive to changes.

But she couldn't like them? Could she?

"What exactly did you do?" Namjoon needed to hear more.

"Well I asked if she was jealous and she said 'would it make you mad if I said yes.' And I answered of course not, because she's the most beautiful girl and I'm lucky to have her as my 'girlfriend'. She asked how do we work together and deal with things like that. Then she said she only did it because it looked like I was uncomfortable, which I was but it felt like she was genuinely jealous. We held hands and I told her it wasn't a problem anymore, because I have her. She told me I was the problem. That I make women delusional with how I act," everyone shook the heads yes at that, "wait you can't all be serious. How do I make girls delusional?"

"Just know that you do. Continue please."

Jungkook scoffed at Yoongi comment, "anyways, I asked if she didn't like me because if she's going to be my 'girlfriend' she needs to like me. Then I told her about her coming to my job and us going to the dinner party, you know, matching couple outfits, and she asked why when I have soulmates that are also my husbands. Then I asked why not date all of us. I told her I'm possessive but I'm willing to share with you guys but to the public she'll only be mine."

"And you said you got that feeling?"

"Yes! Through out the whole conversation I was attracted to her, to her eyes. I noticed the way they lingered on me and on my lips. The way her breath shook when we held hands. It was just, I felt a connection. I don't know if it's the bond being too fresh but I felt it."

"But this doesn't make sense. I... she told me she likes someone. We were in the kitchen at one in the morning, she was confining her feelings in me. She had tears in her eyes. She's hurting because she likes someone and they have a soulmate tattoo. I felt so hopeless knowing all these feelings for her and not having told you guys. How can that be possible?"

"Joonie, I don't know. But what I felt was real. I want Aila with us. I know we haven't decided but I want her. I want to fight for her."

Could that even be possible? Or was it too far out of reach?

"How about we all just try to get one on one time with Aila to see we all feel the same way as Kookie. That  gives us a better understanding on the situation." Taehyung told the group of soulmates.

"That sounds good. Ok guys get ready, we have a beauty to make fall in love with us."

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