Chapter Twenty

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Their skin burned. Their ankles pulsed as the skin felt hot. Both cried out in pain but the loud music drowned them out.  They dropped to the ground, their friends quick to reach over and catch them.

Namjoon didn't understand at first but he caught on quickly. He pushed whoever's hands were trying to make sure he was ok and reached for the boy he had just been introduced to.

As soon as he touched his skin, the sharp ugly pain went away and only a soft throbbing was left. It still hurt, but now it was beginning to feel better.

"Shit! You guys! Fuck!"

Hoseok was to focus on his ankle he hadn't noticed how the pain went suddenly away. He had been holding onto his ankle trying to not cry in front of all those strangers.

"Are you ok now?"

He looked up when he heard a voice so close to him. Namjoon was there, on the floor beside him with his hand on his shoulder.

His eyes were so sharp it took Hoseok by surprise. They were beautiful. They showed genuine concern for him. His hand radiated warmth and comfort.

He shook his head, slowly, still not understanding what happened.

"We need to go. We can't be here." Namjoon reached out for his hand as he tried to pull both of them up. Their friends helped them, careful to not separate them.

Hoseok's ankle didn't hurt as much anymore but he couldn't put all his body weight on it.

Namjoon reached over for Hoseok's waist, trying to carry as much as Hoseok's weight as he could. They were about the same height.

Hoseok left his cheeks turn red at being grabbed by the waist. He didn't know if Namjoon had noticed but he had reached under his shirt, his warm fingers pressed in against it.

It felt hot. He just met the guy yet he's s helping him walk out the club. No he's putting all his weight on his body practically carrying Hoseok out.

Did both hurt their ankles hurt at the same time?

Hoseok noticed he also limped at little.

Hoseok looked down at the place were it still pulsing.

His mark was what was hurting.

His mark is hurting!

Hoseok pushed Namjoon off as he finally realized what happened. This man was his soulmate. He just fucking met his soulmate in a fucking club out of all places.

As soon as he did, the pain came back worse than before. They fell to the ground as their ankles cave in.

"Fuck! Hoseok you need to stay with him!"

Hoseok couldn't hear what his friend was saying.

Namjoon's heart broke a little. He didn't know if his soulmate was repulsed by him? Is that why he pushed him? Did he not like his touch?

Namjoon was very awkward when it came to physical affection but with his soulmate, something just felt good and serene.

"We need to touch. It'll help the pain I promise." Hoseok couldn't heard what Namjoon was saying but he didn't push him away as the younger reached for his hand.

"We need to go."


Hoseok hadn't said anything. His usual loud personality was no where to be found.

He sat in his really small room, on a floor chair with Namjoon next to him. Neither of the boys had said anything.

They had walked hand in hand once they got out the club, ears red with a bad case of tinnitus.

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