Chapter Eighty One

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They were walking on the sidewalk across from the hotel.

Seokjin held onto Jimin's hand and Taehyung walked with an arm draped over the shorter male.

"Minie, I don't know if I've told you this but you are a perfect size my love."

Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyung.

"Yeah to be your armrest."

"No to be my lover baby." Jimin tried to shake Taehyung's arm off him but Taehyung only tightened his hold on the older and leaned in to kiss him.

"Yeah don't mind me here third wheeling you guys."

"But you technically are." Jimin giggled.

"Whatever, let's just get back so we can see Jungkook and Aila. They are the only ones to truly appreciate me tonight."

Seokjin felt his back pocket buzz.

He pulled out his phone.

"Oh Kookie is calling. Hey Kookie where yo-.... wait....what did you just say?.... Why?... Huh?... Right now....Baby calm down and talk..... You told her?!......Ok I understand it's fine Kookie... it's fine...We are about to get the hotel anyways. Go get the rest of our things and we'll look for her."

Seokjin had completely stopped walking as he answered the phone and a frantic Jungkook talked on the other side.  

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked.

"Aila left. They got into an argument."

"What? How?!" Taehyung asked as all three started to walk faster towards the hotel.

"Jungkook never told Aila about him saying she's his soulmate not just his girlfriend. I don't know how Aila found out but she didn't like it and told him a lot of things. He told her about our bond to explain he wasn't lying, but she didn't believe him. She left."

"Just why!? Why does it have to feel like one thing after another with her! Just when things were going fine." Jimin felt anger in his chest.

"She didn't mention anything about you Minie. From what Kookie told me, she felt like he was using her and poking fun at the fact she's a void. Even when he told her about our bond she didn't believe it."

"But can you blame her. How far fetch does it sound to say us seven bonded to her, with no mark? She can't feel the bonds."

"I know Tae. Let's just walk fast. She shouldn't be too far."

The entrance to the hotel was visible when in the distance they saw a women that looked like Aila. She was wearing the same blush dress.

All three ran towards the women and crossed the street, not even looking to see if cars were coming. They didn't care, they just needed to get to her.

As they got closer they saw it was Aila, so they ran even faster towards her.

Aila heard steps behind her so she stopped and looked, confused when she recognized Seokjin, Taehyung and Jimin running.

"Oh my God! Are you guys ok!?" She began to walk towards them.

The three got to her, puffing air and out of breath. She giggled as they struggle to breath before Seokjin tried to say something only to make it sound like he was dying.

She laughed.

"Wow, imagine if you had to run a bit more. Might pass out on the street."

"Where......... where..... are you..... going?" Taehyung managed to say between breaths.

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