Chapter Forty Nine

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"Mr. Kim, we need to head out." Jungkook came into the meeting room, politely telling the Vice President they needed to leave.

Everyone got up and bowed as Seokjin stepped out the room.

"Oh fucking thank you! That shit was tiring me out!" Seokjin whispered as he hugged Jungkook.

Both made their way out the office and into the car as Jungkook drove them away. Seokjin sat in the back of the car while Jungkook drove them to his check up.

He didn't think it was necessary, but all his husbands had gained up in him and Jungkook made the appointment as soon as he could. Even after that it took some convincing for Seokjin to go to see a doctor, he settled for a visit when his headache didn't go away,

Namjoon was also going to meet them, even though his headaches had become almost nonexistent.

Seokjin didn't want to believe Aila was the key, but he was starting to believe it.

He hasn't been able to see her much since he's come back from work late and has left before everyone else. Only Jungkook has been able to spend time with him. And it wasn't like they were spending quality time, it was work time.

But every time he had laid his eyes on her, his body seems to feel better. Her smile has become his favorite thing, besides his soulmates of course.

Getting to the doctor's office took less than expected. Seokjin was more concentrated on calling and sending emails, not paying attention as Jungkook parked the car and guided him inside.  

Namjoon was already waiting for them. They quickly went in and began a regular check up, the doctor concluding there was nothing wrong, at least nothing he could see.

He asked more in depth about the headache, and both explained how two of their other soulmates had the same complaints but because they went away, they didn't think it was serious.

Namjoon mentioned his was gone now.

The doctor, at this information, decided to check up on their soulmate bond. Since Jungkook was also with them, he also asked if there was a way to examine his as well.

The three soulmates got worry as a nurse asked if it was possible to get more soulmates in. She said it wasn't anything serious but it would be better to get to a more concrete conclusion.

Yoongi and Hoseok got out of their jobs as soon as they got the call. Jimin and Taehyung took a while, both getting to the clinic at different times even though they work at the same place.

All seven soulmates began to get worried but patiently waited to get an answer.


"So, it's nothing bad. It is something we havent seen before but nothing thats not going to go away though."

"Is there something wrong?" Seokjin asked, his heart going out to his soulmates and his precious bonds.

"So there is not any other way to say this, you all have an incomplete bond. Well it's almost complete now. Seokjin-ssi is the last one that needs to finalize it."


Everyone looked at the doctor as he sat in front of them, clipboard on hand reading test results.

"I'm sorry but, we don't have another bond. It's just the seven of us. We got tested a long time ago to see how many bonds we were." Yoongi rebutted.

"Yes, you guys are a seven member bond. This is what we mean when I say I haven't seen this before in a group in specific. You guys are going through a faux bond."

The doctor waited a little, giving time for the group of soulmates to understand, before he continued.

"People are born with destined soulmates. However there are those who don't want their soulmates or never are able to meet theirs. If someone else that's compatible comes along and the soul begins to feel a genuine connection, it forms a temporary bond to that person. It's not as strong as a real bond and it doesn't go through all the bonding rituals. However it still allows the soul to feel a connection between the two individuals even when they are not destined soulmates. The reason why this doesn't happen in a group of soulmates is because the bonds between groups are more closed off. Once all the pieces connect they become one. All bonds do the same but in order for a group of soulmates to form a faux bond, all pieces need to feel the same attraction to the individual and open their bonds to reach out and form this temporary bond. As you can see, what are the chances of that happening? However, your studies show all of you are already bonded, with the expectation of Seokjin-ssi. But he's very close. He just needs physical contact, maybe because of how starve his soul is, two nights sleep should be fine."

The doctor looked at the soulmates in front of him. He could see they needed to talk about a lot of things, but he continued,

"The headache some of you guys felt was your boding happening and that person not physically being there. But after some much needed physical contact, the headache went away and the bond was finalized. Think of it like when you first come into contact with your soulmates and you had to stay together for 24 hours. The same, just not as intense. It's not a headache that would prevent you from going around your usual day, but the need to seek this person would eventually stop you from doing anything else except be with them. You probably felt this attraction towards this person and you didn't even know why."

"Why, why is it called a faux bond?" Namjoon was the first to ask through dry lips. The others stood too stunned processing the information.

"Well once the bond forms, it doesn't go beyond that. You can form a relationship with this person if you want to, or just have a platonic relationship with them. Remember this only happened because this individual was compatible with every single of you guys, but you don't have to make the relationship romantic. It can just stay where it is. Just a faux bond."

The doctor paused,

"I can see there's a lot that needs to be discussed. I'm going to finish some paperwork to let you guys leave. I'll be right back."  

"Wait, what if... what if the person is a void." Jimin asked. He already knew who it was. But he has never acknowledged it, never accepted it, not in front of the others at least.

The doctor turned a sad face, "unfortunately being a void means what it means, they can't form bonds. This doesn't meant they don't have feelings or are not capable of loving. So whatever you have felt, that attraction, they don't." The doctor got up, not giving them a second glance as he closed the door behind him.

The sound of the door echoed in the room, all seven silent. They didn't know how to react. How do they even go about accepting a bond? How go they begin to even say the first word. They were quiet until a quiet sob broke their silence.

Jungkook broke down crying, finally showing them how he's been feeling.

"Baby!" Hoseok got to him first, hugging him, trying to calm him down.

"I thought, I had been in panic. I, .... I already broke the bond with... with hyung. I have been beating my self up, knowing I did it again. I... "

"Shhh, shhh, it's ok love, shhh calm down. You haven't done anything. This is not the same. You haven't abandoned our bonds ok." Namjoon wiped his tears as he tried to ensure Jungkook, holding his hand and giving it a squeeze.

All said more things to Jungkook, flooded their bond with love knowing his panic was rooted by how he turned Jimin away. Bonds are fragile and Jungkook learned it the hard way. He had been feeling the anxiety of knowing he did it again. He turned his soulmates away for his growing feeling for Aila. They were going to leave him for being such a horrible soulmate.

"Ok, let's just all calm down. Let's get out of here. Try to get your thoughts in order. We have a lot to discuss."

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