Chapter Twenty One

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Jimin didn't know where he was going. He cried and cried as his chest felt empty. He's never had this. The void. The abyss. The nothingness.

He's always felt Jungkook.

For the past 11 years they have been together.

Jimin had already made his decision about the offer. Both of his parents were happy he had take up the offer to further his studies in Seoul.

He had come by to tell Jungkook about it. He knew Jungkook was going to be fine. He needed the younger more than the younger needed him.

But he never knew just how much Jungkook didn't like him. 

"Mom, can you come pick me up?"

"Honey are you ok?"

"No im not, just please... can you come get me?"

Jimin felt the hot tears as he spoke to his mom over a phone, the scene playing with his mind.

His mom agreed to pick him up. She drove as fast as she could, worried for her oldest son. Her heart broke when she saw how bad he looked.

He broke in her arms as he cried more. She was worried. She's never seen him like that. Eventually she got him to calm down enough to get him in the car and drive home. He felt better as they drove away, felt like he could finally breathe.

He knew Jungkook didn't like him.

He knew.

But he never thought it was going to hurt like this. He didn't think it would feel like his world crumble into dust. His chest hurt, his feeling felt empty. He couldn't feel his bond anymore and it worried him.

He felt stupid for worrying. Jungkook was probably back to walking hand in hand with the pretty girl.

He needed to get out. He made the right decision in leaving for Seoul, away from his soulmate, away from the love of his life.


Jungkook didn't have time to explain to Eun-ji why he wanted to run after Jimin.

He didn't.

Once the pain in his chest felt manageable, he ran in the direction Jimin had take off, only to get lost between the people.

He tried to reach out in the bond but found nothing. The bond wasn't there and he panicked not knowing why. They had just bonded a few days ago, meaning the bond should feel stronger than ever.

As he looked for Jimin and didn't find him, he decided to go back to Eun-ji. He couldn't just abandon the poor girl.

He went back and told her he had to leave. She was confused about everything, but respect his decision in not telling her. He took her home and went straight to Jimin's.

However, Jimin's mom didn't even let him get pass the living room. He pleaded to see Jimin but she said she couldn't let that happen.

Jimin needed time.

He needed time for what? Jungkook was mad. Why would he need time? It was nothing. He was being a big baby. He begged the women to see Jimin, to see if he was ok. He just needed to explain everything to Jimin. It was nothing. He was crying over nothing.

But it didn't happen.

So he left. He left not wanting to wait for Jimin to be out his feelings so he could finally talk. He felt mad because he didn't get a chance. He left angry because he couldn't feel that soft and warm feeling the bond had that qalways made him smile.

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