Chapter Twenty Six

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Jimin didn't blink as he saw Jungkook at his front door.

Was it a prank?

Both males stood there staring into each others eyes, while Hoseok was stuck in between them.

Hoseok had never seen the young boy. He had bangs pushed to the side, with a round nose and big doe eyes. He looked so young.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here." Jimin finally broke the silence.


Hoseok felt a darkness engulf his body.

This is Jungkook?

This was the boy that broken Jimin's heart. This was the boy that took advantage of Jimin's kind character. For some reason, Hoseok thought he would look different.



But this boy looked innocent. His big doe eyes seemed to shine. He looked like such a kid.

"Ah, I ah, your mom sent you this." He held up big grocery bags.

Hoseok knew about the delivery. Jimin had been going on and on about how his mom made kimchi and was going to send him a few containers.

But he didn't say Jungkook was going to personally deliver it.

"I thought mom was sending it."

"Yeah she did."

"I meant... I didn't know you were coming."

Jimin walked over to the boy and took the bags. His fingers came into contact with Jungkook's as he grabbed the handles from him.

Jimin felt his heart skip a beat at touching the younger. He was real and in flesh standing in front of him.

"Here Chim let me take these back to the kitchen." Jungkook saw how the other men walked up to Jimin with a smile on his face and took the bags from him.

Jungkook saw the stupid dumb starstruck look on Jimin. It broke his heart.

"What are you even doing here Jungkook."

Jungkook couldn't look away from the stranger. He stared at him till he disappeared from his line of sight.

With a hard face he looked at Jimin.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't mom tell me you were coming?" Jimin felt betrayed. His mom knew. She knows his pain. She saw him cry for Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't seem to listen. He stared into Jimin's eyes, searching for the truth.

He was scared and mad.

Even standing so close he still couldn't feel Jimin.

"Who is he?"

"That's not important right now."

"Well it seem like you couldn't wait for him to cuddle you." 

The venom in Jungkook's words stung. They hurt. Looking at the younger Jimin wish things could be different.

Fuck this is all a fucking mess.

"He's my boyfriend." Jimin decided to say part of the truth. Jungkook looked too worked up to tell him the over half.

Jungkook had never felt heartbreak.

It didn't feel good. He knew it was all his fault, but in his mind, Jimin would always be with him.

"What are you doing here?"

But Jungkook couldn't hear the question over the pain he was feeling.

Had he really lose Jimin? Did Jimin get over his love for him that easily? Did he even truly love him?

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