Chapter Forty Eight

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Aila stood there, at the entryway where Namjoon's had just walked past.

She didn't know whether to be mad at the things he had just said and his attitude or cry at the things he had just said and his attitude.

It was clear something was wrong. His demeanor was not the usual Namjoon she was used to.

She knows everyone has bad days, but it's never ok to retaliate on someone who had nothing to do with it.

But was it something she said?

She was talking about Jay coming over and them cooking...

'I don't care about what you and your little boyfriend did'

Her mind had made his voice sound stronger and angrier, almost layered as she recalled his words.

'Were you even sick'

She felt the tears at Namjoon's accusation.

Why would she pretend to be sick? For whose attention?

She was so confused.

Why did she feel like she needed to explain herself to Namjoon? To make him not be mad at her? To confirm he wasn't her boyfriend?

Was it because of that?

Because he came over?

But she was sure they would have said something, they have a strong enough bond. It should be enough for them to talk like the grown adults about things that bother.

She didn't mean to make Namjoon feel like she disrespected his home.

She has self respect, discipline and standards she wouldn't lowered for anyone. She's worked too hard on loving herself to set them aside. Did he think they something else?

She sniffled a little as she dragged her feet walking to her room.

It hurt.

It pained her heart to feel Namjoon say those things, to see his anger.

It angered her more she cared so much.

This didn't feel like a concern between friends or like a petty fight.

She felt so confused about her feelings.

Did she miss Erick?

Of course she did. How many years have then spent together. She loves how sweet and kind and nurturing he has been to their love.

Even when he cheated.

But why does this hurt so much?

She laid in her bed, and fell asleep.


"She's asleep!"

"She is?"

"I went into her room. The girl is gone." Taehyung took his seat next to Hoseok at the dinner table and continued with his food.

"Should we wake her? To eat?"

"Huyngnie, it's fine. Let her rest, she's probably tired from today and yesterday."

Yoongi was probably right, but Seokjin missed the girl. He hasn't gotten to see her since this morning.

"Was everything alright today Joonie?" Hoseok leaned closer to his soulmate.

"Yeah, I was mad... irritated about something but I feel better now."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jungkook asked.

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