Chapter Seventy Nine

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"What are you doing here?"

Jimin didn't mean to sound so rude, but he was trying to get away to calm down.

"I.... I just came to check up on you. You've been gone for a while now."

Jimin took a deep breath, his hand tightening around the door knob.

Aila had been worried as soon as Jimin stepped out. Five minutes turned to ten then to twenty. Now it had been more than forty minutes and Jimin still hadn't gotten back.

She couldn't enjoy the party wondering if Jimin was fine. So she asked Taehyung for the room number and told Jungkook she was going to check on him.

"Aila, please leave. I'm trying... to not do something I'll regret."

This only made Aila want to know more.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" She stepped a little into the door, catching Jimin off guard.

Her perfume invaded his nose. He always loved the scents she wears.

They are clean, flowery, powdery and sweet. A perfect combination to how she looks.

"Jimin, what's wrong? Do you really want me to leave? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel worse. I'm just worried that's all."

Jimin was a men in love with his soulmates and they would always be his weakness, his strength, the reason behind his sleepless nights and why his soul is complete.

He suddenly pulled her in, slamming the door behind her and attacked her lips the way he had been craving since he saw her. He rashly pushed her against the wall, as he let his hands roam down her body and under her dress.

He moan when he finally felt the small piece of clothing she had.

Aila also kissed him back just as hard. She's been craving this type of attention ever since she stepped out her apartment, and she wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste.

Jimin kissed down her neck, sucking and biting in a haste manner, wanting to just quench his thirst and nothing more.

Aila ran her hands down his front, stopping when she found what she was looking for.

She squeezed his dick and he threw his head back, letting his last bit of logic be destroyed. Her hands felt amazing on him.

He grabbed her and pulled her into to room. He saw a desk and he quickly pushed her against it, continuing to kiss her as he unzipped his pants.

Jimin didn't want to make love, no he needed burn the devil that had been clouding his mind. His desire was too much to stop to think about the moment they were about to share.

However Aila didn't mind. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. She was willing to let this happen between them.

A moment of lust.

She pushed him off a little and got in her knees, pulled his garments down letting his pretty cock finally out for her to see. She felt herself get wet as she took him in her mouth.

Jimin's moans sounded delicious.

She bobbed her head a few times before taking her hand and jerking him.

However Jimin didn't want this.

"I want you." He pulled her up and spun her around to face the desk. Aila quickly lifted right leg onto the desk, spreading herself for him. He took a moment to admire such a beautiful scenery. He pulled her dress up, his dick feeling a rush of blood at seeing her in a thong, the thin piece of material not covering her ass.

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