Chapter Forty Three

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Yoongi noticed as he sat down for breakfast. All his husbands were enjoying their meals except...

"Where's Tae?"

"Where's Tae? Didn't he sleep with you?" Yoongi shook his head no at Jimin's question.

"Nope. He got up last night, thought he was going to the bathroom but when I woke up he wasn't there."

They looked around, all saying Taehyung didn't sleep with any of them.

"Do you think maybe he sneaked off to Aila's room? He was in love with the girl yesterday."

Taehyung had claimed Aila to be his for the night, and because it was his birthday the others had to stay away.

Once she came out of cuddling with Jimin and Jungkook on the couch, it was game over.

He sat with her in the car, opening the car door for her. He helped her out the car, linking their arms together. Everyone rolled their eyes at him pulling the chair out for her then proceeding to sit beside her.

Of course they would have done the same, no doubt about it.

He held her hand the entire dinner, taking her steak and cutting it for her, feeding her every once in a while.

When the head chef came to ask about the food, he commented on how lovely Taehyung's girlfriend was.

Aila turned red and she tried to correct the statement but Taehyung thanked the chef for the compliment.

He also stuck his tongue out at the rest. Whenever he did something cute with her and she would shy as a response.

"I don't think he would? Would he?" Seokjin asked.

They all stopped their movements, pondering the idea.

"Ima go check her room." Hoseok got up and made his way. He opened her door, feeling bad for invading her personal space.

He turned the knob quietly, praying for the door to not make any noise. It did squeak, the noise sounding amplified in the quiet room, making a curse leave his lips.

He stuck his head inside his heart warming at the sight.

Taehyung was tucked into Aila's neck, his arm draped over her waist.

Sneaky bastard.

He took his phone, taking photos to show the others and shut the door.

Hoseok felt tenderness and love blossom towards the two individuals who had no idea what they had just done to his heart.

"He's there" Hoseok announced as he reached the table.

Jimin and Jungkook groaned the loudest.

"Guys let's not fight for Aila's attention."

"Joonie, it's not fair! I let him have it because it was his birthday but I need Aila's love too! He can't have it all."

"Jimin-ah, don't suffocate the girl. Just... just be nice, both of you." Namjoon looked over at Jungkook as well.

"What did I do? Huyngs the ones that slept with her."

"Joon! Look what you've done to the baby!" Seokjin got up and hugged Jungkook as the boy pouted.

Jimin and Hoseok snickered as Namjoon narrowed his eyes at Jungkook.

"Anyways, what are we doing today for new years? I don't want to go out." Yoongi asked to redirect the conversation.

"Let's wait for Aila and Taehyung to wake up then we can all agree."


Taehyung's mind slowly started to wake up. He hugged the person next to him, feeling how soft and warm they were. He didn't move, only peaked his eyes and noticed the brightness coming through the window. He moved closer to the person, the smell of flowers making its way to his nose.

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