Chapter Thirty Seven

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Aila opened the door to the house.

"Hey guys! I'm home!"

"Aila! I've missed you so much!"

"You saw her in the morning Hobi." A yell came from the kitchen.

"I don't see what's your point, that was twelve hours ago." Aila smiled as Hoseok came back to greet her at the door.

For the past three days, whenever she came home, someone came to greet her.

"Damn what's Yoongi cooking? He got the whole house smelling delicious."

"Aila come help me, he's being mean and you are the only one that can put him in a good mood." Hoseok pleaded.

"Where are the others?"

"Seokjin has a late meeting, he needs to get everything ready for the end of the year at the company. Joonie is grading some papers that some bastards turned in late. And the three shitheads are cuddling. Please help me."

Aila laughed and nodded her head yes.

The past three days have been different. The house is always full. There's always someone doing something or nothing but still with someone. It was like she was never alone.

The mornings are hectic, everyone getting ready all at once. Aila's not really used to the chaos. It reminder her of when she visited New York City. Complete chaos yet it works.

It was completely different than what she had been used to. Mornings before consisted of quietness, calmness, of just two people getting ready for their day.

Now there was always something happening or someone that needed help.

It made her feel better. She didn't have enough time to ponder in her thoughts, to wonder what Erick was doing, if he missed her or not. If he cooked his meals, if everything in his company was going well.

"Hey Yoongi, do you need help with making dinner?"

Yoongi looked up and saw a Aila make her way towards him. Her face carried a smile.

"You are home early."

"We closed early today. We'll be closed till next year!"

"Ha ha ha."

"I thought you would appreciate the joke. Alright Min, let me wash my hands and I'll help you."

Hoseok came back into the kitchen and also began his previous task. Silence fell between them. Yoongi kept glancing at Aila as she began to move around the kitchen.

It felt so natural. She was familiar with were things were kept. She had a good idea of how much food to cook to feed eight people. She always helped with a smile, always feeling genuinely as she offered to cut vegetables or take care of a dish.

The house felt more at ease, and it had only been three days.

Yoongi decided to putting his full attention on making dinner and ignored his thoughts.


A knock disturbed Yoongi from his frustration.

He glanced at the corner of his computer screen.

Three in the morning.

He stretched and clicked his tongue, wetting his dry mouth in the process. He moved towards the door expecting to find Seokjin mad for not coming to bed.

Instead, in the cold hours of the night, stood a beautiful girl.


"Hey, sorry for disturbing you but I got you some warm milk. Thought this ungodly hour could use some warming up."

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