Chapter Thirty Six

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The door opened as Jungkook walked with two big bags.

"Oh! Kookie! You need help?" Taehyung came to Jungkook's rescue as he took one of the bags from his grip.

"The others should be coming. Help me take this to her room so we can get started. It feels like clothes." Taehyung nodded and took the bag in his arms as Jungkook followed behind.

Yoongi followed behind them, and Seokjin waited by the door. He smiled as he saw Hoseok roll a suitcase.

"They are coming. I think she just needs a minute." Seokjin understood. He helped Hoseok get in the house with the suitcase.

"Take this over to the her bedroom. The others are there already." Hoseok went off to the Jungkook's old room. It wasn't really a room, it was more like a small office. However the room had been perfect for Aila to stay with them.

"Are the others here?" Namjoon walked over to Seokjin as he waited for the two missing people.

"Yeah they are already in her room. Did you finish?"

"Yea we did. Yoongi left me though." Seokjin smiled as Namjoon pouted.

"I know, he's in Aila's room too."


"That boy might as well be in love with Aila. What do you expect." Seokjin pulled Namjoon by his hoodie. He leaned over, capturing the younger's lips. The kiss was innocent, until Seokjin felt Namjoon's hand roam until it landed on his ass. Namjoon pressed Seokjin against his crotch, with a moan escaping into the kiss.

They didn't hear the door open as they pushed their tongues, battling for dominance.

Both Jimin and Aila stood frozen.

Jimin felt embarrassed. The first thing Aila sees is the two of them sucking each other like raging teenagers getting ready to fuck in the middle of the entry way.

Aila didn't mean to gasp and cover her eyes, but she wasn't expecting to come into such a scene. It was the first time she had seen any of them make out beside a light peck.

They tease each other but she had never actually seen them. They always behaved, especially because they are men, not that it mattered. But it was just weird seeing them be so...... horny. It was also her first time seeing two men kiss, it just looked different.

Jimin covered Aila's eyes with his hands and stepped in front of her.

"Guys! What the hell!"

Seokjin and Namjoon jumped away from each other, both petrified as they finally noticed they weren't alone.

Jimin gave them a hard glare. He had seen Aila's reaction.

"Oh fuck, sorry! We didn't— fuck!"

"Shit! It's not—"

Both shut up at their attempts to apologize as Jimin glared at them again.

Aila laughed behind Jimin, already knowing the kind of look Jimin was given the two.

"Damn, I didn't know Seokjin had it in him. I thought he was an old man."

"Old? Old! Have you seen me?! I'm the only ten in this house. Everyone else is a one." Aila laughed as she stepped around Jimin.

"I guess you're alright for an old men Jin."

"Alright!" Seokjin huffed in annoyance, the fact they had been found making out forgotten.

"Let's just get in the house, it's cold. Let's go." Jimin dragged Aila along as he glared one more time at Seokjin and Namjoon.

Namjoon kissed Seokjin one more time before following Jimin and Aila to her new room.

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