Chapter Fifty Five

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Hoseok's birthday was in two days.

Aila was already planning to stay over Izzy's house, from his birthday day till the weekend. His birthday fell on a Thursday which meant if they do any type of celebration, they would have enough time to themselves.

She also needed time away from them.

The house had tension, with an atmosphere she didn't like. They hadn't stop acting their usual friendly way. They cooked breakfast for her, almost always trying to say goodbye with a hug. The younger ones had become brave and gave her kisses on the cheek, which she didn't mind, but sometimes their lips seemed to linger on hers before they moved passed them and towards her cheek.

Namjoon engaged her more in conversation, about anything and nothing at the same time. They talked books, movies, theories, food, places. He showed more attraction than before.

Yoongi would often request for her to listen to his music, sometimes even unfinished projects so she could give him feedback. She told him many times she didn't know anything about music and yet this man took her opinions to heart and listen to them, like her words were the most important thing in the world.

Seokjin cooked more, or he tried to anyways. His job had gotten very busy so she almost never got to see him. It was the same for Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung. All four only got to see her in the morning. That's why they never missed breakfast to at least say goodbye to her and wished her a good day at work.

With Seokjin, when the days had become too tired or frustrated, the days where she could see the exhaustion clearly on his body, those were the days he would seek her comfort. She didn't know how it happened, but he started to slowly get closer to her while they sat on the couches, taking little steps to do something the maknaes did so freely.

To cuddle her.

She could see his shyness take over, his ears turn red as he tried to slowly move closer each time they sat on the couch, as he asked for permission before laying his head on her shoulder. She wasn't used to him physically seeking comfort from her, but slowly he gained his confident to hold her in his arms.

So in the days he looked so worn out, he would seek her arms and warmth. He would melt as she massaged his scalp, running her fingers through his hair. He would love the way she would laugh at his jokes, something his soulmates didn't take part in. It got to a point where he didn't want to share her. She just felt so nice and warm and soothing. He loved her scent, just the right touch of sweetness. He loved how full her body felt, it was so different than his soulmates. Not that he didn't love his soulmates, but she was a woman. Her curves felt so much more filling than the others.

Hoseok had began to share more of his passion for dancing with her. Whenever she could, she would go to his studio with him, watching him become instructor J-Hope, watching him film videos for J-Hope on the Street.

His students began to tease him, saying how he finally decided to show them who is partner was. She quickly told them no, that she was just a friend. It broke his heart when she heard those words.

He wanted more. As more time went by and she showed him how much amazing she was, he wanted her to himself. As he noticed the looks of some of the men in his class, and how he had to hold back his jealousy because she didn't belong to him, he wanted more.

He wanted all of her.

They needed to do something fast. He didn't think he could stay away any longer.


Aila balance a cake, balloons and flowers as she entered the house.

She messaged everyone she had a cake for Hoseok. Everyone proceeded to say they would be home to have a pre-birthday celebration.

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