Chapter Forty Five

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"Baby, if you are not feeling well then stay, please."

Jungkook shook his head no, "you have a lot going on today."

"I can get someone."

"No it's fine. I feel good, I promise."

Seokjin took a deep breath. He wasn't going to convince Jungkook.

"But if you do feel sick, please say something. You know once one of us gets sick the rest follow." Jungkook nodded his head yes at Yoongi's request.


"Ok well I need to head out. Got an early class today." Namjoon drank the rest of his coffee and took his mug to the kitchen sink. He then went around and gave all his husbands a good bye kiss.

Aila sat there quietly as she watched how they smile at each other. She could practically see how their bodies reacted to having each other around.

"Wait Namjoon, I'm the one that's dropping you off." Yoongi also got up, giving everyone a wave as they left.

"Does he always leave like that?" Aila asked.

"Yes. It's very rare for Yoongi to give good bye kisses." Aila laughed as Taehyung stared where two of his soulmates had just disappeared.

"Well I also have to get to work." Aila got up to wash her cup.

Hoseok also got up, rapidly finishing his breakfast.

"Can you drop me off?"

"Of course Hobi, let's go." Hoseok felt his heart flutter at the smile Aila gave him. He quickly gave Seokjin, Jimin and Taehyung a kiss.

He went up to Jungkook and gave him a hug and a back rub, "Don't push yourself Kook. If you need to come home, don't hesitate."

The younger didn't answer but gave a quick head shake and a hug back.

Once Aila and Hoseok left, the rest also followed.

"Ok guys, let's finish and head to the office. We have a lot to take care of today."


Seokjin noticed Jungkook getting worse in the first hour after arriving.

He was staring into space, not paying attention to anything being said during their first meeting. Seokjin could see how he was suppressing his discomfort, blocking the bond from the rest.

He gave Taehyung and Jimin knowing looks.

But Jungkook kept bringing his attention back, doing his best while his body ached and his temperature rose. He could feel the bond spike with worry and the looks his soulmates were giving him.

So he ignored his body. He didn't think he was sick. He just thought it was a simple virus but when he started to feel dizzy and his vision black out for a second he finally understood it wasn't as simple as what he had thought.

Still, there was too much to be done. The deal Taehyung had done last minute before the new year had everyone on their toes when they came back.

It was a 2.5 million project he had secured.

So he needed to be there with Seokjin. Jungkook was Seokjin's executive assistant. He was the assistant to the vice president of the company.

He couldn't let a light fever and body ache stop him from being by his husband's side.

The second meeting had come to an end and everyone was filing out the room.

Seokjin, Taehyung and Jimin noticed how Jungkook began to sway a little and had to hold on to a chair.

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