Chapter Twenty Eight

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Aila felt her stomach turn as she stared to recognize her surroundings.

They were back, unfortunately.

She wasn't holding onto Hoseok's hand. This time he as sitting next to Yoongi as he drove.

It was just her and her thoughts.

She had made up her mind to talk to Erick, she just didn't know when. She didn't even know if she could go back to her house.

Maybe she was overreacting to everything.

"Aila you are not. Don't ever think that."

She looked over at Hoseok who had turned back to look at her.

"Don't ever think you are overreacting. You reacted according to your feeling and the pain that was inflicted upon you. Your feelings are valid."

She hadn't realized she had said her thoughts out loud. She lightly smiled at Hoseok then continued to stare out the window.


She took a deep breath. Her nerves felt shocked.

She was standing in front of her house. She wouldn't call it her house anymore. It didn't feel welcoming anymore.

She opened the house, finding it quiet. She looked around. The memories of them moving in, not having enough furniture flooded her mind. She loved this house. It was small yet big enough for her and Erick.

Or that's what she thought.


She was surprised as she recognized Jimin's voice. She saw a blur move towards her and engulf her in a tight embrace.

"I've missed you love." Jimin had in fact missed her terribly. He hadn't heard her voice in three days. He didn't know how she was doing. All he knew was what Seokjin told them on the first night.

The older had prohibited any of them from reaching out, which was stupid if Jimin was honest.

"Hey Minie." He ran his hands up and down her back then took a good look at her face. Her eyes seemed so empty. He placed both his hands under her chin and brought her close for a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey, stop hogging her Jimin, I want hugs too." Jimin was pushed away, mad at his soulmate for ruining such sweet moment.

"Hi beautiful." Taehyung came up and tucked her into the crock of his neck as he flushed his body against hers.

"Hi Tae." She hugged back. Their hugs always made her feel safe and now, loved and cared for.

"We missed you so much." Aila always liked how Taehyung smelled, well she liked how all of them smelled: from sweet and clean to sexy and irresistible.

"Umm so.. where's Erick?" Both males took deep breaths at her question.

"He's been in his room." She nodded at Jimin's answer.

"I guess.. Ima go and talk to him." Aila felt her heart thunder in her chest.

Both nodded, "do you want us to wait?"

Of course she does.

"No it's fine. Thank you for staying here and looking after him."

"You sure? We don't mind waiting love."

No, she needed to be strong. They have already done so much.

"Go see your soulmates, they are waiting for you both." She smiled.

For the first time, Jimin wished someone else would be his. He wished for Aila to be his soulmate.

"Ok call if anything." Now it was Taehyung who pulled her over to deliver a soft kiss on her forehead.

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