Chapter Sixty Six

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Aila was embarrassed and ashamed.

What the fuck was that?

Her mind kept remembering last night.

His kisses and touches.

Was it because she hadn't had sex in such a long time?

This was the most she has gone without sex since she gave her virginity to Erick.

Was it because she missed the sex?

Erick was a great lover, outside and inside the bedroom. At first she missed everything about a Erick, including the sex. The way he could make her shake with pleasure every single time made her love that part of their relationship. But recently, she had stopped thinking about Erick in such a way, thanks to them.

Taehyung felt so much different than Erick. Even as his hands roamed her body and his lips responded to her hunger, there was a certain shyness and timidness to his body.

Which only made sense after thinking about it with a clear mind.

She had forgotten some of the guys had never been with a woman.

She knew Jimin and Taehyung had never even liked a girl before. Jungkook tried and ended up breaking his bond to Jimin.

Yoongi liked a girl but the most he did was write a letter to a radio station about it.

Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon had girlfriends, though she doesn't know how far in the relationship they got.

So of course Taehyung would seem nervous about it. It was his first time and she just rushed everything.

Oh God! She didn't know that the fuck came over her last night.

She said she wanted to take things slow. Namjoon and Hoseok had delivered the message and all had agreed to it.

But now she goes and kisses Taehyung not once but twice AND almost manages to take his dick out of his pants, literally.

What the fuck was her problem.

She needed to apologize.

She didn't want to put a label to their relationship so she needed to act like it. She hadn't even began to discuss the things that were okay to do between them..... what if they didn't want to be physically with her?

What if they weren't comfortable yet? And she just rushed everything with Taehyung?

Fuck, she felt so dumb.

Had Taehyung's lips been that tempting? That alluring?

They were.

She was so excited about feeling something else besides Erick. And on top of that, it was someone she liked..... a lot. That didn't help her reasoning.

"Aila, you have visitors."

She jumped at Nabi's words. She knew who was coming this time.

"Ok Nabi! It's time for me to leave anyways!" It was time for her shift to end. She called out to Nabi to relayed the message. Aila quickly washed her hands and got her things before making her way to the front of the cafe.

She was nervous. Her heart kept pounding and her hands even felt shaky.

She stepped out, seeing him, full smile on his face, looking handsome like always. Behind him stood a group of people she had never seen before. The reason for her nervousness. Three women, all absolutely gorgeous and one other guy.

She stood there frozen, taking all them in, finally getting to meet them.

These were Erick's soulmates. These were the people he belong to.

"Hey my love, are you ready to go? We want to go eat." Erick came up to her, speaking in English and just like before, gave her a hug and a kiss to her cheek. She hesitated in responding to his greeting. Her eyes wondered to the people behind him, yet she couldn't find any aminosity.

All four held smiles.

"Let me introduce you first." He continued to speak in English. He took her hand and guided her towards the group.

"This is Nyala. She's from Ethiopia."

This woman looked like a model. She had dark chocolate complexion, with a beautiful Afro on her head. She was tall and skinny, her body held grace and a perfect posture.

Aila wasn't expecting her to come and give her a hug, and definitely for the hug to feel warm and cozy.

"This is Antônia. She's from Brazil."

Are all these women just drop gorgeous?

She had a beautiful dark caramel skin that just look delicious to bite. Her smile was pretty. She had curly hair, big plumpy lips and an hour glass body shape.

She also came up and hugged her.

"This is Maria, and she's also from Honduras."

She was shorter than Aila, had beautiful straight hair down to her back.

Aila did her best to hug them back, shocked at how genuine their hugs felt.

"And this Is Vannozzo. He's Italian."

He was taller than Erick, well built, with a nice full kept beard. Plump lips and beautiful green eyes. Aila thought he was a very good looking men.

He came up and took her hand for a kiss.

Aila swore she felt her heart flutter.

"Hi Aila, it's great to finally meet you." If he wasn't good looking before then his voice definitely made her feel something.

"Oh, it's great to meet you as well." Aila didn't even know how she managed to talk. She was so nervous she didn't think her brain could conjure up the right words in the right syntax order.

Her pulse thumped loud in her neck. She could feel the muscles contract to the fast rhythm of her heart.

All of her coworkers were staring, in awe at the interaction they had just witnessed. They didn't really understand what was said because Erick spoke English, but they figured out it was the first time Aila was meeting these people.

Who were they?

Erick turned towards her coworkers. Clearly everyone was intrigued. He smiled and waved, catching them off guard.

He walked over to them,

"Hey guys! How you been? I haven't stopped by in a while."

Nabi nor Nari didn't know what to say. Jaebum stood to the side, checking him out. He always thought he looked good, every now and then.

Jay held a hard stare. He didn't say anything, not understanding what the fuck Erick was doing in the cafe, nonetheless, talking to Aila.

"Hey Erick, how you been?" Nari finally answered.

Erick noticed how all three kept looking back at Aila and the others.

"I'm good, just came to get Aila so we can go out to eat. Those are my soulmates."

Say what?

Their faces stayed shocked.

They couldn't respond, not even as Erick said bye, or as they watch Aila leave with them.

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