Chapter Forty

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They all felt it.

As food got passed around, plates being filled and empty, as conversation began to get more lively and loud, as funny stories got told from their week at their jobs, as they began to pass the morning, they felt it.

It wasn't just Taehyung whose mind wondered as to why.

It was home. It was their safe place.

It was years and years of habits build up, of getting to know themselves, likes and dislikes.

All seven were each other's safe places.

Yet why did it feel like something was missing. The emptiness wasn't loud though. Just an itch as the back of their minds they could ignore.

And ignore it they did.

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook went to the living room to play video games. Yoongi went back to his studio, telling everyone he had made progress and he just needed to change a few things. He promised to not take long since they had to get ready for a late lunch.

Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon decided to watch the maknaes as they yelled and accused each other of cheating. It was amusing to watch.

And entertaining.

They always tend to forget how competitive Jungkook is and how Taehyung doesn't like to loose or how easily Jimin gets sassy so the three combined made for great entertainment.

Seokjin's high squeaky laugh was heard all over the house as the three began to argue. Yet none of the older stopped their banter.

The morning passed fast as Yoongi stepped back into the living room, reminding everyone to get ready. As everyone saw the time, they got up and rushed for the bathrooms.

Jimin stayed behind, waited for everyone to leave before taking Taehyung down in a feverish kiss. He had been dying to have some time with his soulmate; kisses from the previous night serving as a catalyst.

Taehyung was caught off guard, thinking Jimin wanted to tell him something or even give him a gift, but it didn't take a second for Taehyung to kiss back, to also feel the need from their lazy kisses, to feel his testosterone rise.

The kiss was rough, Jimin pushing Taehyung back into the couch and straddling the younger while their mouths fought for dominance. Jimin bit Taehyung's lips, enough to make him whimper and pulled his head back as he attacked his neck, wet open kisses, tongue dragging across the span of his sweet skin.

He tasted heavenly to Jimin.

He attacked his lips again, grinding down, feeling how hard Taehyung was getting.

"Bed room." Jimin managed to say as he gasped for air. Both jumped up, legs not moving fast enough to their destination.

They stumbled as they tried to kiss and make their way to the room. They pushed the door open, not caring for the loud noise it made as it hit the wall behind it. Taehyung grabbed Jimin, picking him up, wrapping his legs around his waist, and placed his hands on his ass, squeezing a little too hard as Jimin whined in pain.

Taehyung walked both of them towards the bed, him falling on Jimin as both continue the assault with the mouths.

By then the others had began to feel the bond flare up with need and lust, raw desire that only came with the satisfaction of taking and giving.

Jungkook and Namjoon were showering together, Yoongi with Hoseok and Seokjin was in his room looking for clothes to wear. All five felt their movements halt as the bond flare with desire and want. Their bodies began to burn hot, the pulling getting stronger and stronger with every second.

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