Chapter 2

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____Jennie's POV____

We are now at the airport waiting for our flight to Hawaii. Me, Jisoo, Irene, Nayeon and Mina, they are my best friends. The eyes of the people were focus on us. We're like celebrities right now with our extravagant outfits. We're like international models added by our outstanding beauty like queens on runway.

After 20mins, our flight was called and we proceed to the boarding area. We  are now sitting on our airplane seat. We decided to rest for a while because of 10 hours flight.

I can't sleep. I'm still thinking about the marriage thing. I did not open up with my friends. I decided to tell them when we arrived.

I focus my self on the view outside the airplane. Clouds, sky, sun and birds flying freely. Sometimes, I wish I was born on a simple family where I can enjoy my freedom. No one can dictate you of what choices you will take in life.

"Any problem Jendeuk?" Jisoo asked me. She knows if I have problems, she's like a sister to me. We've been together since we were babies.

I faced her and heave a sigh. "Actually unnie, I want to tell you about it when we arrived but..." I lip bite. I want to cry on her shoulder. She hold my shoulder and I lean on her. "..grandpa he arrange a marriage between us and uncle Jung family", I said still sobbing. Tears falling on my cheeks and I can't stop it. "I don't love him, unnie", I said. Jisoo tap my back to calm me. I know she felt sorry for me.

"What's your plan, Jendeuk?" she ask me silently.

I faced her. She dried my tears with her thumb. "I agreed but on one condition, they will give me a month to enjoy my freedom", I said and she nodded.

"I'm sorry I can't help you", she said. "So it's Kai?" She asked and I nodded. I thank that the other girls are sleeping that they didn't notice my drama right now. "I will support you no matter what Jendeuk, we love you so much", she said that makes my heart flutter. My ever supportive cousin.

Evening when we arrived at the Hanoi International Airport. Then we headed directly to our hotel. I was shocked that they booked in an expensive resort. We talk a little then headed separately to our rooms to spend the night. Tomorrow morning we will start our day of tour and adventures.

Morning came. I was awaken by a knock on my door. I open it and saw the girls with their outfits. They're very excited while me I just want to enjoy my sleep. I rolled my eyes on them.

"What's with the face Jendueki?" Jisoo asked me.

"You're so very excited, you know that", I heard they chuckled.

"We want to swim now and it's already 9am Ms. Jennie Kim for your information", Nayeon said with sarcasm.

"Ok, ok", just wait for me on the lobby. I will just do my morning routine. They agreed and left.

"Enjoy the day Jen! Aja!" I cheered my self.

After I did my morning routine and put on my outfit for the day, It's a red two piece and a see through white satin to cover my body. Then I decided to follow them on the lobby. I know their patience is as short as their heights. Hahaha. Just kidding.

When I open my door I faced a woman who at the same time open her door too. I don't know if how long we stare at each other. There's something about her that intrigued me. Her doe eyes captured mine. I don't know why I mesmerized by her. Then I cleared my throat. Then she blink. Cute. What did you say Jennie Kim? Are you crazy? I'm straight right but she's so beautiful. She's wearing a crop top and a grey buggy pants. Her abs was visible and my eyes fall on the bulk visible in her buggy pants. Wait what's that? She then cleared her throat when she knows where is my focus.

"Hi", she said.

I avert my gaze at my door and locked it then I look back at her. I nod at her and walk away. It's so awkward.

When I arrived at the lobby the girls were happily talking and eating. I greeted them and kiss their cheeks. I called the waiter to take my order for my breakfast when someone interrupted me.

"Ms. Kim, this is for you", then he handed me a breakfast. A pancakes with honey, ham and egg and a milk.

"Did you order this for me girls? Thank you", I eye them but no one answered me, frown was written in their brows.

"We didn't order for you Jen", they said seriously.

I faced the waiter and ask him. "Who order this for me?"

"Actually Ms. Kim, it's from the owner of the resort", he said and left. The girls eyeing me. I know they want to ask a question same as me.

"Don't tell me you know the owner here Jen?", Irene asked me.

"No!" I said which is true but they didn't believe me.

"You sure Jen?" Nayeon asked me again. "If we know that the owner is your friend we ask for a free accomodations here", she said laughing.

I glared at them. "I'm saying the truth girls. I don't know who is the owner of this expensive hotel and resort", I said again. Hope this time they will believe me. Jisoo unnie nodded.

I roam my eyes around the lobby but I saw no creepy person eyeing us. Who the heck is the owner of this damn hotel?

"Just eat your breakfast Jenduek", Jisoo unnie said and I nod. "I think it's their way to welcome you, a free breakfast", she said and laugh with the girls. I ate my breakfast. Atleast it's free right.

After the breakfast, we decided to swim at the beach. Men are eyeing us from head to toe. Drooling like a hawk eye but we don't care. We just swim.

____Lisa's POV___

The woman who captured my heart and soul. If in the past I don't believe in love at first sight now I do. The first time I laid my eyes on her my heart beats so fast and I'm mesmerized by her cat eyes. I'm at the top of tree house now with my buddies, Seulgi, Tzuyu, Jeongyeon and Chaeng.. It's our favorite place here in the resort  I'm staring at the beautiful brunette who is happily swimming with her friends in my resort. I want to punch all the men eyeing them right now. I want that scene just for me, yeah I'm selfish. Her sexiness and beauty can launched a thousand ships. She's my Helen and I'm her Paris girl version.

"Drinks buddy", Seul interrupted me on my daydream. She offers me a beer. "You know if your stare is a laser gun, she's already melt", she said laughing. The other join her on teasing me. I shake my head.

"Hey Lis, they said that you give a free breakfast on someone this morning eh?" Jeongyeon teased me again. I look back at them and I rolled my eyes.

"It's a first time huh, Manoban? To be whipped to someone. What's her name again?" Chaeng asked and put her arms on my shoulder.

"Kim, Jennie", Seul answered for me. "And guys her friends are hella beautiful and sexy too".

"Don't you dare Seul, they are visitors. I know you playgirl", i said to her.

"Ouch, you're so mean boss", she said and laughed again.

"Hey, what if we held a beach party and invite them later. Her friends with us", Chaeng said and everyone approved it.

I stare back at them who is now in their sun bathing. Exposing their bodies to everyone. Even Aphrodite will get jealous of how beautiful this woman. 'I will get you no matter what Jennie Kim' I thought.

To be continued...

Please support me guys. Heart react po 😊❤️💕 Jenlisa pa rin 😊💕

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