Chapter 25

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(Lisa's another side story)

___Lisa's POV___

After Jennie told me the truth we headed to Kim's mansion where her family waiting for us. I still can't believe that Ella is my daughter. This is the reason why everytime I saw Ella there's something warmth inside that I felt. I'm the happiest person right now. I want to hug and put kisses on my daughter's face but when Jennie told me that Ella was with them, fear was on me that they will take away the only treasure I have. I remembered how the old Kim did to us years ago.

I felt that Jennie is very nervous. I will be strong for her. I don't want her to feel that I'm nervous too. I hold her hand in mine. I know this time we can do it, now that Ella is with us.

"Take a deep breath my love," I said softly. She nodded and did what I told her.

"Lisa I'm afraid", she said then tears falls on her cheeks.

"Sshhh, don't cry Jen," I said and stop the car. Then I cupped her face and dried her tears. "Be strong for us, ok?" Then I kissed her head and hugged her so tight.

She cried in my chest for a few minutes and held a deep breath. Then I started the car again and we made it to the mansion.

When we arrived at the Kim's mansion. Their butler guided us directly to the room where her parents and grandparents facing Kai with the same woman I saw yesterday.

I saw how Jennie look mad at Kai but became soft when she saw who's with him. I'm still holding Jennie's hand. I don't want to lose it. Then she looked at her daughter in her mother's lap who's now sleeping.

I want to hug my daughter so tight right now but I don't want to interrupt them.

"She's playing with her grandpa and grannies. She's so tired", I heard Jennie's mom said. Jennie just nod and face Kai.

"Kai," she called him but he's hesitant to look at her. "..Kai", she called again that's when he look at her.

"Sorry Jen," he said.

"I know, don't worry", she told him. Then Jennie faced her grandpa. Jennie looked at me and I know what it means so I let go of her hand. I know she can do it.

She walked to her grandpa side. Then I was furious when he give her a big slap on the face. I clenched my fists, I want to punch him. Jennie looked at me and shake her head. She knows me so well. I just nod at her.

"How could you lied to us Ruby Jane!" Her Grandpa shouted.

"I did what's right grandpa!" She spat back.

"How dare you!" He wants to slap her again but this time his wife stopped him.

"Don't do that old man!" She shouted. "It's that how you welcome your granddaughter and her visitor?" She asked. Old Kim cleared his throat. Whipped.

Jennie looked at me. I'm still furious right now. One wrong move and I will kill that old man. God knows I respect them but if they will lay their hand again to my Jennie I can't promise not to do such things to them.

"Jennie, sit down", her grandma said. "... and young lady make yourself comfortable," she look at me.

I sat beside my Jennie. Her dad and grandpa still glaring at me. I know we felt the same way. Jennie glared at them and she hold my hand. I saw the tint of redness in her face so I caress it.

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