Chapter 15

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__Third Person's POV__

Korean News Today

"Today, we are live here in the biggest church in Seoul, South Korea where we will going to witness the biggest and grandest wedding of the decade. This is the ties between the two wealthiest heirs of Seoul - Ms. Jennie Kim the sole heir of Kim's Company and Jong-in Kim the heir of Kim Film Industry. Everyone is so excited to witness the much awaited wedding.
This is Jessica Jung reporting."

Lisa is frustrated right now. They can't get inside the venue. The security outside is very tight. They can't do anything.

"Lis, good news. We can now entered the venue. I paid the three personnel who will assists the wedding and we must go now because they will give us their stab," Seulgi said

They are now heading at the wedding venue. The three of them became a wedding staffs. Lisa saw Kai waiting in the altar. Then followed by Jennie's friends who are walking now at the aisle too.

After a few minutes the door opened and Lisa's breath stop for a moment when she saw the most beautiful bride walking down the aisle with her parents. Everything became slowmo and her tears betrayed her. Lisa saw the sadness on her lover's eyes. 'That should be me' she thought.

She wanted to run to Jennie but Rosé hold her wrist and shake her head. Don't Lis, we can't do anything. Look at the guards anytime they can take us away in here. Let's stick on our plan. I nod for approval.

___Jennie's POV___

I'm walking down the aisle right now. I saw my friends because they are my bridesmaids. My dad and mom is walking with me. Then I saw the man I hated the most, he is waiting on me in the altar. He smiles at me but I don't care. I'm still hoping that I can see her here today but I know it's impossible. I know she hates me because of what I did to her. I want to die right now but I can't because I have now a single reason to fight for.

Kai take my hands when I'm already in front of him. "Take care of her Kai", my parents said to him.

"I will Ma'am and Sir", he said and smiled cockily. I want to erase that smile on his face.

Then the wedding ceremony started. I can't still believe that this will going to happen to me. Then the priest started to asked.

“Mr. Jong-in Kim, do you take, Ms. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

"I do", he said.

“Ms. Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, do you take, Mr. Jong-in Kim, to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” I don't know why but I can't utter any word right now. I felt that there's a lump inside my throat.

"Hey Jen," Kai whispered to me. I roam my eyes and in an unexpected way I saw her. Those beautiful doe eyes. She is smiling at me but tears falling on her cheeks. My heart started to beat. What is she doing her. What if my parents and grandpa see her. They will kill her.

"I-i do." I said still looking at her behind Kai. She lowered her head and left the venue. I saw her friends too. "Please," I whispered. I saw Rosé nodding at me. They look for Lisa. I kow it, they will take care of her. I won't let someone hurt her. I'm out of my trance when everyone claps their hand.

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