Chapter 20

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____Jennie's POV____

Lisa is here with me in my office. She's helping me on the changes of the company plans for next year. I know she checked the company's report from 5 years and saw how the income decline so rapidly. 

I'm watching her right now. She's so serious and focused on her work. I love how her brows frowned every time there's a questionable outflows.

"Lis, uhm... Kai talked to me yesterday. We want to give you your own office here in the company", I interrupted her. Then she looked at me.

"You don't want me here anymore, Mrs. Kim?" She asked and giggles.

"No.. not like that. I mean you're now our biggest investor here and we decided to give you a space here. In case you know, for private purposes", I said.

"Don't worry about me. I can work here with you. It's my advantage", she said and whispered the last part.

"What?" I asked. My heart beats so fast. I heard it. I don't want to assume anything but I'm hoping she still wants me.

"Actually, I like that but you know, I'm staying here for a meantime. I don't know if when will be the next time I get here. You know Switzerland is my new home now", she said that makes me sad. I don't know why, but I'm afraid to ask her if she's now in relationship with someone.

"Oh, I see", I said and get my focused back at the files in my hand. We do our works and Lisa was great she suggest the best plan to makes the company income increased and stable. She suggested also some tips to attract more investors. I can't help but to stare at her. She's the same woman I'm inlove before. She changed a bit but same Lisa Manoban who makes me fall in love with all over again.

I snapped at my thoughts when Kai entered my office. He's with Ella. I looked at Lisa and saw the sadness in her eyes.

"Mommy!" Ella shouted and run to me. Then she saw Lisa beside me. "Pretty handsome auntie", she get down at me and hugged Lisa. Lisa smiled at her.

"Hey beautiful young lady", Lisa said. She get down and kissed her forehead. My heart beats fast again. I'm so happy to see them like this. I looked at Kai and mouthed me that he's going now to his office. I nod at him.

I saw the happiness on Lisa's eyes while Ella telling her about funny moments she encountered with her dog kuma.

"Pretty handsome auntie, you're working here with my mommy?", Ella asked Lisa.

"Yup," she answered and tap Ella's head. "How's your day, little angel?"

"School is fine but I love to be here with mommy. My classmates are boring. They don't know some of our lessons". Ella is a smart kid so it's easy for her to know and understand everything.

"Ella your mouth", I said.

"Silly, little girl. You're like your mom so much", Lisa said and giggled. I smiled at what she said. I look at her and she looked back at me.

"Pretty handsome auntie, my mom gonna melt if you keep on looking at her", Ella said and laughed at Lisa. Lisa laughed out loud on what my daughter said.  I'm blushing so hard right now.

"I can keep my eyes off her little one, her beauty is so captivating like yours", she said ang pinched Ella's cheeks. "...and cute like you too".

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