Chapter 23 (M)

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____Lisa's POV____

I woke up when I felt her warm body beside me. Jennie is sleeping peacefully. I stare on her beautiful and angelic face. I smiled by the thought of  our heated moment last night. It's so nice to feel her again. I can't still believe that after a long time I can be with her again. I remember she said last night that Kai never touched her. I'm so proud that I'm the only one. I kiss her forehead then a smile form on her lips. She put her head closer on the crook of my neck then sniff it.

"Wake up my lovely queen", I whispered on her ear. She then look up to me. We faced each other now. I love how smile formed again on her face and her cheeks blush. Cute. Then she suddenly peck my lips.

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up anymore," she said. Then I kissed her deeply.

"This is not a dream my love," I said between our kisses.

"I love you," she told me.

"I love you too," I replied.

I can't focus right now because I can see her naked body beside me. My naughty mind works again. I wiggle my eyebrows, that makes her laughed so hard. The laugh that I missed so much. I realized that I don't want anybody except this beautiful woman in front of me right now.

I roll on top of her and began to get down on the sheets that caught her off guard. I put my head between her thighs. She hold my hair and pulled it when I started to devour her. I lick and eat her p*ssy deliciously. She moans so hard. Then suddenly a loud voice interrupted our hot session.

"Mommy! Wake up now!" Ella shouted that make us nervous. My heart beating so fast right now. She run inside Jennie's room. We caught off guard. We don't know what to do then Jennie whispered at me. "Lis, don't move please," she plead.

____Jennie's POV____

"Lis, don't move please," I plead. We caught off guard for a moment because of Ella. She suddenly barge inside my room. I forgot to locked my door last night. I'm nervously talked to her.

"Good morning baby," I greeted her. I gulped, my throat is so dry. What if she will see Lisa.

"Wow mommy! You have a big pillow!" She said excitedly.

"Wait baby," I stopped her before she'll touch Lisa. "Can you wait for mommy downstairs?" I said. "I'm going to take a bath first."

"Ok mommy," she nod and started to walk away. I'm very thankful that she obeyed me.

After she closed the door, I pushed Lisa. "Li, take a bath now so that you can go home. You know, I don't want Ella to see you here and misunderstood the situation."

"Okay," she said and peck my lips again and make her way to the bathroom. We did our morning routine in the fastest way because we don't want Ella to see me and Lisa here in my room. She still a child and she still didn't know what's between me and her real dada.

"Li, you can use the backdoor as an exit so that no one will gonna see you", I told her and she nodded. "Sorry, hope you understand."

"Don't worry, I get it." She then hugged me so tight. "I'll see you in the company later?" I nod at her and peck her lips. I can't resist it.

I help her to sneak out. When Lisa left I make my way back to the kitchen where Ella is already waiting for me.

"Hi baby," I said and kissed her forehead.

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