Chapter 30.

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____Jennie's POV______

I woke up when I heard a knocked on the door. I felt Lisa's arms snaking on my waist. My back is facing her chest.

"Mommy, are you there?" It's Ella. I heard her soft voice.

I look at my cellphone and checked the time. It's already 5pm. I think Lisa's friends and Ella were already home.

"Lisa, honey wake up... Ella and your friends are waiting outside," I told Lisa but she just hold me tight.

"Don't mind them," she said in her bed voice.

"Hon, I don't want them to see us like this," I pleaded her. She open her eyes and look at me.

"Okay hon," she agreed and kiss my forehead. I stood up and went to the bathroom. I take a bath because I smell sex. I don't want them to tease me and Lisa if ever.

I'm still in the shower when I felt Lisa's kissing my neck and backhugging me.

"Hon, please we can't... we must hurry coz your friends will tease us if we will stay longer here," I said and glare at her. "I'm done so make it fast," I added, she nodded and I left her.

Lisa is obedient so it takes 10 mins for us to prepare and we went outside where her friends and my Ella is waiting. They're eyeing us with a teasing look.

"Hey, Look at this two, you're so fresh huh," Seulgi said.

"What did you do both when we're not around?" Bambam asked us and wiggle his eyebrows.

"Of course it's so obvious... They're making a baby number 2!" Rosé shouted in the kitchen.

Lisa glared at her that makes them  laugh so hard.

"Where's my baby?" I asked to divert their attention. Then I saw Ella with Jeongyeon in the couch playing with her tablet.

"I'm here mommy!" She said excitedly. Then she open her arms for me to take her. I get her and put her on my lap. Then I put kisses on her cheeks.

"I miss you baby. What did you do in the mall?" I asked her. Then Ella animatedly narrated all the things they did. I'm amazed how she enjoyed strolling with her dada's friends.

___Lisa's POV___

I look at Jennie and my daughter. I'm happy that Ella is enjoying her time with her aunts and uncles. I saw the happiness in her eyes.

I look at my friends and they are so whipped on my daughter's cuteness while telling her story.

"Lis, we've already prepared your surprise date with Jennie," Bambam whispered. I thanked all of them for doing my request.

Tonight I will proposed to Jennie. My friends and I prepared all the things. Ella also knows about it. After their mall thing they went directly to the venue and arranged everything for the final outcome.

I'm so nervous right now. Hope that Jennie will accept my proposal. I told Rosé to give the dress to Jennie. She didn't know that I already ordered a beautiful black dress that was made especially for her.

I give Rosé a signal for her to take Jennie in the room. She also called Maeng her friend, a well-known make up artist in town.

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