Chapter 27.

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____Jennie's POV____

I'm so happy right now. This is a dream come true. I'm in the kitchen cooking for my future wife and my daughter. Lisa decided to spent her weekends with us.

Since that night I'd never seen my parents nor my grandparents. They never went to the company or called me. I sighed. I think they are serious in disowning me but I don't care as long as I'm with Lisa and Ella.

I called Kai last night. I asked him a favor to run the company for the meantime. I assigned him to be my OIC-CEO and he accepted it. I know I can trust him about it.

Lisa and I also talked about having a family vacation in Hawaii. She want to bring Ella in the place where we first met and made her with love. I'm glad that Ella loves her dada so much and she easily accepted her. She's a smart kid coz she easily understand what we've told to her.  

They were very close that I can't separate both of them. They love to hang out with each other and watched Netflix while eating pizza while me, I'm their lovely chef.

I'm making pancakes now for our breakfast because they love it.

"Lisa! Ella baby let's eat now," I called them. I put strawberries and syrup for toppings. I prepared Ella's milk and hot chocolate for Lisa.

I heard their footsteps. They're running, Lisa is like a child. "Don't run, baby, you're going to trip", i warned Ella.

"Yes mommy", Lisa said while pouted.

"Silly, not you!" I said and we both laughed.

"Mommy, dada is a big baby!" Ella exclaimed then she laughed so hard. Lisa pouted even more.

"Hey love, don't do that you're like a duck", I said and we laughed again. 

"A cute duck", she said and kiss me on the cheeks. "..that you love", she whispered on my ear. I think I blushed.

We start eating when Lisa talked. "Love I'm going to my apartment today to get my things. I want to prepare for our trip," she explained. I nod to her. "... but I don't want to leave both of you here. We don't know what you're parents and grandparents think right now," I understand what's Lisa told she's worried. She still have doubts on my family.

"Love don't worry about us. We can handle it," I reassured her.

"Nope, I want to bring you there with me," she said firmly. "And one thing, I want you and Ella meet the dorks", she said while smiling.

"Oh my God! Don't tell me they're here?" I asked excitedly said then she nodded. I can't wait to meet them all again. It's such a long since I saw them and I miss them so much. I know if my friends will know that those dorks were here they're going to exclaim with joy. I will remind myself later to chat them.

"Yes, and they are so excited to meet my beautiful family later", she said proudly and smirk. The Lisa I know is back. I just shake my head. This is why I love her.

"I would love to come with you later love, right baby?" I asked Ella and she nod.

"Yes mommy! I love to meet dada's friends", she said. I love how she eats her pancakes. She chew it and her cheeks is like mine - A mandu little one.

After our breakfast, we prepared to go  with Lisa. Ella is so excited. Then Lisa drive and make our way to her apartment. After a long drive we arrived at a big and tall condominium. I stare with shocked. This place is where my condo resides also.

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