Chapter 11 (M)

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____Jennie's POV____

After the dinner, me and Lisa stayed at the seashore. As usual we love to witness the sunrise. Lisa set a tent and a bonfire for us. I leaned my head on her shoulder while she put her chin on my head. She stealing kisses on my forehead and sniffing my hair. I don't know why but I felt home on her. I love the way she kissing and hugging me. My heart flutters everytime she uttered sweet words on me. The sea is calm and we sat on the beach mat. The sea breeze is so cold but Lisa's heat makes me warm.

"I love this moment", she said while looking at the sun started to rise. "I love you so much Jennie and I can't wait to make you mine", she continued. Then she shifted her gazed on me.

"Lisa..", I said.

"Hmmm", she responded.

"I don't want to give you false hope", I sadly said. My tears starting to build up. I don't want to cry but everytime reality slaps me about me and Lisa's situation, my eyes betrayed me. I look at her that she reciprocated it. We stared at each other.

"'Jen, it's not yet the end of everything," she said. "We still don't know what the future holds", she smiled and dried my tears. Then she leans at me and captured my lips. We kissed and don't mind the sunrise anymore. She then held my waist and we stand while deepening our kiss and make our way to the tent. We make love until we're tired. We take a rest and sleep.

Few weeks later.

Lisa became sweeter everyday. She always giving me flowers and cooked me breakfast. When we have spare time we cuddles and watch movies. Then sometimes we went surfing and do island hopping using a private yacht.

Lisa still inviting me to dinner dates. I don't know if I can live without her anymore. I used with her presence. When she's not around, I'm feeling lonely and sad. She completes me. I don't know if what's our real status right now.

I want to give her a chance but I'm afraid that my family will know our relationship. I know what my family can do to make someone's life suffers and I don't want that to happen to my Lisa. I love her so much and I will protect her no matter what.

____Third Person POV___

A man in his thirties, walking inside a big office.

"Good morning Mr. Kim", he said and bowed at the old man then handed him a big brown enveloped.

"This is what all you've got?" He asked him then opened the envelope. He saw the bunch of pictures of two women.

"Yes, Mr. Kim," he responded. "..
and I think they both have a romantic relationship", he continued. The old man nod and staring intently at the pictures. He is furious.

"Thank you," the old man said closing his fist. "You may go now and make sure no one will knows about this", the old man warned him. The man decided to leave the office.

The old man still staring at the pictures. "So this is what you called freedom, Ruby Jane?" He whispered.
Then he get his phone in his pocket and dialed someone's number.

"Hello Kai, I need to talked to you", he said. "Meet me at my office now". Then he cut the call.

"I'll make sure to separate you from that woman, Jennie. No one can stop my plans on you and Kai. You're my only heir and the one who will give me grandchildren that will continue the Kim's generation and my legacy. This woman can't give you that my granddaughter" he said. He's so mad that he wants to kill someone.

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