Chapter 4 (M)

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____Jennie's POV___

I woke up when I felt a wet tongue slurping my pussy. I look under the cover I'm naked and someone is eating me. I hold her head and push it, she look into me and smile while enjoying me.

"Good morning", she said in a raspy voice. 'Oh my god, what did happened last night?' I thought. She stop what she did when she heard nothing from me but only a frown on my face.

"Are you ok Jen?" She asked me again.

'What happened last night Lisa?" I asked her back. She frowned and sighed. Then she lay on her back on the bed.

"You don't remember anything?" She asked and I shake my head. "you want me to repeat so that you will remember Jen?"

She said. Oh god why i felt hot suddenly. I moved my legs when i felt pain in between. That's when I realized that something happened to us last night. I pull the cover to hide my nakedness on her but then something caught me. She has a dick. Oh no i thought I'm just dreaming last night. It was real.. she was real.

"Is that a r-real one", I pointed out her cock.

"Y-yeah?" She answered but it's like a question. "I'm an intersex, Jen. That's my secret and now you know it", she explained.

"So, I'm not dreaming last night. It's all true. I'm not a virgin anymore", I said frustratedly.

"Hey, hey," Lisa then held my hands. "Don't worry I will be responsible for what happened on us.", she said to calm me but no help at all.

In a month I'm going to be engage. And this woman beside me she'll become a beautiful memory only.

"Please Jen let's just enjoy this day. Only you and me", I nod at her. Do I like her? No it can't be. We can't be. It's just sex with random person. Yeah, I must enjoy my freedom while I'm still single and Lisa will help me to that. I will explore and enjoy anything even sex from her. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Let me feel you again, Lis", I said then I saw her cock became harder. She get back on top of me and position her self. I feel the tip of her cock on my entrance. Then in one swift she entered me. I scream in pleasure. She has huge cock that it's hard to adjust in her size. She slowly thrust her hips in and out of me. I closed my eyes to feel her. She's breathing hard while sucking my neck to my breast and nibbling my nipples. I'm like a mad person screaming in pleasure with her name.

"Fuck.. fuck.. Lis, yes...yes right there.. oh please..", I don't know what I'm asking. I just shaking my head. Lisa started to thrusting a little bit faster.

"Oh, god your so tight Jen", she said breathlessly. We're moaning mess right now. If I know that sex is like this, I'm willing to do it before. Lisa slammed her cock deeper in and out on me. My walls tighten against her. I could feel like I will cum now.

"Aaaahhh I'm cumming Lisaaahhh", I scream moaning.

"Let's cum together Jen", she said and then I felt her thick cum shoot inside me. Our mixed cum flows on my thigh. She thrust a little and slowly to ride our orgasms. She then kissed me and I responded. I felt her cock slowly pull out on me. I groaned when my pussy became empty again. "That feels so good. Thank you for the morning exercise darling", she said teasingly and wink at me.

"You're welcome, Lis", I said. Then I heard her stomach growls. "Oh, someone is hungry", I teased her. She laughed, oh my it's so sexy that turns me on again. Her laugh is like a music to my ear. God, Jennie fixed your self. Don't be stupid. I cleared my throat. "Let's order the real food. I think I'm already hungry too", she nodded.

I take the cover and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. My knees is shaking and the pain is still there. Lisa make a call to order our breakfast. When I look at the bathtub a milk and rose petals was set. "Do you like it?" I was startled so I smack Lisa's shoulder. She laughed so hard. "You want me to die?" I glared at her. "Sorry, honey I thought you know I'm in your back?" She explains.

I put the cover on the side and slide my self on the bathtub. Oh, I like the warm water all over my body. The fragrance of the sweet rose petals calm me down and helps the pain ease. I feel her body settle on my back.

"Is your body still sore?" She asked and I nodded. "I help you in that", then she message my body slowly. It helps my muscles relax and this makes me feel so good.

"You're so good at it, you did it to every woman you fuck?", I asked her but she never respond. I looked back at her. She stares at me and shake her head. "After sex, I don't cuddled someone and I brought no one her except you", I was shocked on what she said. I don't know what would I feel right now, happy or sad. Happy because I'm exception for everything or sad because I'm not her first.

"How many women you get in bed?" I don't know why I asked that. It's so obvious. She's so beautiful and her cock is amazing. Girls will be satisfied. Still no answers then I feel her lips on my bare shoulders. She's kissing and sucking it.

"It doesn't matter," she said. Yeah, it doesn't matter. Why I asked that we are just someone who sexed. "What's important is you're beside me and I want to make you mine", I was shocked again on what she said. I take deep breath and look back at her.

I gulp and sigh. "We can't Lis," I said.

"Why?", she asked. "Is there someone? Are you taken?" She asked again. I shaked my head and lower my head.

"Just don't love me, ok", i said frustratedly. Then i get out the tub and took the shower. I saw the frown and pain in Lisa's eyes. Why pain when we all did is just sex for her. She shaked her head and get out in the tub too. She stand on my back and caress my thigh.

"Why can't I love you Jen?" She whispered on my ear that makes me tremble. My knees is shaking, the effect of Lisa on me. She held my waist and kiss my back. "No one can owned you except me", she said. I get her hands off me and I faced her.

"No one owned me", I said angrily. "No. One. Except. Me", I emphasized every word to her. "Don't love me Lis, someone is already waiting for me", I said that makes her smile painfully.

"But why are you still virgin, he can't take you to bed?" She said. I was shocked on what I heard I slap her so hard.

"I hate you", I said. "Sex is not the only thing in this world. Respect is what I'm asking. Take that on your mind.". Then I left her and put my clothes on and went out of her room. I'm so tired of them all for owning and dictating me. I want my freedom and I want to enjoy it.

To be continued...

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