Chapter 26

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_____Lisa's POV_____

We are now at Jennie's house. I'm with her on their living room while Ella was on her room with her nanny. She is still sleeping.

"I'm sorry love about my family", she said. She's still sobbing and I'm comforting her. I know she's hurt right now because of what her grandpa told her.

Being a sole heir of Kim Industry is not easy and now that her grandpa told her that she's no longer a part of their family was the most painful. I can't believed they can do that to Jennie.

"It's okay love. What's important is you're here with me. We can build our own family with Ella", I said. She faced me with a small smile. I hugged her so tight. I don't want to see her like this.

"I don't understand why they need to do this. I love them so much. All my life I did everything to please them but it's still not enough." I caress her back.

"Don't worry they will see your worth love when nothing left on them", I said and kiss her head. Then she lean her head on my neck. I felt her slow and warm breath. She fall asleep of too much crying.

I decided to carry her to her room in a bridal style. I know she's very tired. I caress her hair and kiss her temple.

"Don't worry my love I will make sure that your family will regret their decision. I assure you that", I whispered.

I left her in her room and decided to went on Ella's room. I knocked on her door and her nanny open it.

"Good eve Ma'am", she greeted me.

"Can I see Ella?" I asked her. She nod and open the door for me then she left us.

I saw Ella on her deep sleep. My daughter is like a beautiful and innocent angel. I sit on her bedside and caress her hair.

"I love you so much my baby", I whispered and kiss her cheek. She whimpered, I know she felt my kiss. My tears falls on my cheeks. I still can't believe that she's my daughter. I want to hug her tight right now but I don't want to disturb her sleep. I still caress her hair.

A few minutes later, her nanny brought a glass of milk for her. I told her that I will stay for a while then she nod and told me that I will just called her if I need anything. I nod and she then left again. 

"," Ella whispered. She then slowly open her eyes and blink a few times. I know she wants to see Jennie but her mom was so tired. I think it's dada duty for the night.

"Pretty handsome auntie?" She asked and frowned. "Why are you here?"

I smiled at her then my tears betrayed me. I hugged her so tight. "Why are you crying?" She asked again skeptically.

"I'm just happy baby", I said and faced her. She cupped my face and dry my tears.

"You cry because you're happy?" She asked again. "Mom said you only cry when you're sad and misses someone", she said and pout. My god she's cute like her mom.

I smiled at her. "You're so cute my baby... you're like your mommy... baby dumpling", I said and laughed. She then crossed her arms.

"Yah, pretty handsome auntie I'm not a dumpling", she said and pout again. I caress her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

"You're the most beautiful baby dumpling I've ever seen", I said and hugged her again.

"Pretty handsome auntie I want to drink milk", she plead.

"Okay baby wait I will get your milk." I handed her the milk and she started to drink it. I'm just looking at her.

"Where is mommy?" She asked.

"She's already sleeping", I told her.

"I want to go to mommy, pretty please", she plead again. I can't bear with her cuteness. She got it from her mommy. I open my arms at her then she giggled. I carry her in my arms.

"Let's go my baby dumpling", I said then we went out the room and headed to Jennie's room.

Jennie is still sleeping soundly. My big baby dumpling is so cute, I want to cuddle her.

"I want to sleep beside mommy, pretty aunt", she said. I put her beside her mom then she hugged Jennie so tight. The latter didn't know that where here.

"Ella baby from now on you will call me dada", I said. She looked at me skeptically but then she smile so wide and hugged me so tight.

"So it means you will become my daddy number 2?" She asked.

"Yesss", I whispered. I put a finger on my lips, I signaled her not to make a noise so that we will not disturb her mom.

"Dada, can we sleep now?" She asked and I nod at her. I don't want to leave them here. I know that Jennie's family will do anything to separate us.

I and Ella settled down at the bed. She sleep on her mom left side and I'm on Jennie's right side. I cuddled them. This is now my family and I love them both.

___Jennie's POV___

I woke up because my stomach growls. I'm hungry coz I didn't eat anything last night. Wait, how did I get here in my room? Oh, Lisa? I blink few times when I felt someone's hand on my waist and warm body on my side.

I look at the little baby angel in front of me. She's still sleeping peacefully. I then kissed her temple. Then I slowly moved at my back and was welcome by my big baby angel. I kissed her forehead too. I smiled at the scene right now. This is my dream... a perfect family with Lisa and Ella.

Lisa still embracing me so tight. I looked at her plump lips. It's so tempting so I kissed it. Her eyebrows frowned a little. I smiled at her. Then she slowly open her eyes and smiled at me. She pecked my lips too. We giggled like teenagers.

"Mommy...", Ella said and hugged me so tight. "Dada, good morning", she greets Lisa. I was shocked with what she called Lisa.

"Dada?" I asked Lisa and I look at her.

"Yes mommy!" Ella exclaimed excitedly. "Pretty handsome auntie is now my dada, right?" She said and jump on Lisa. Lisa laughed so hard and pinched Ella's cheeks and kissed it.

"Yes baby, I'm your dada number 1 actually", she said. "Right mommy?" Lisa asked me for help. I smiled at her and my tears started to fall on my cheeks. I can't believe that this was real. Lisa and Ella is with me cuddling in our bed.

"Yes baby, Lisa is your real dada", I said and hugged them both so tight. I'm so happy that Ella accepts Lisa with all her heart. I can't wait to build a beautiful family with my Lili.

To be continued...

Oh my God... CEO Jennie and CEO Lisa are so real. Kakawattpad natin to eh. Rich Mommies 😊😁💕 🎉 Jenlisa is real 🐻🐥

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