Chapter 32.

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___Jennie's POV____

Lisa backhugged me. We were standing in the balcony watching the sunrise. "This place is a paradise," I whispered.

"This is why I love this place," she said and kissed my nape. I shivered when her lips touches my skin. We enjoyed each other's company. The sound of the waves and the cold breeze surrounded the place. Ella is still sleeping.

"What do you want for breakfast hon?" Lisa asked me.

"Anything will do hon," I said and I turn around to face her. I hold her nape while she hold my waist. I peck her lips. Then she pouted. "What with that face?" I asked and giggles.

"Just a peck?" She asked. "I want more.." she said but I cut her off by punching her chest softly.

"Lisa... It's still early in the morning. Don't be naughty and order now our breakfast coz I'm so hungry right now," I said but she pouted more.

"But..." She said like a baby but I cut her by putting my finger on her lips.

"No buts big baby," I said and pulled her inside the room. She dialed the phone for room service and ordered our breakfast while I headed to the bed where my baby is snoring. She's so tired, her hair scattered all over her face so I fixed it and kissed her mandu cheeks. Then I felt Lisa at my back. She's staring at our baby too.

"She looked so much like you hon", she said and put her chin on my shoulder. "I'm so lucky to have you both," she whispered in my ear. Her words brings warm in my heart.

A few minutes later...

After a heart whelming breakfast. Me and Lisa decided to enjoy our vacation. Ella is already awake and she's so excited to do our day tour.

Lisa stopped by first on her office so we decided to accompany her. She just told me now about her being the resort and hotel owner. I want to smack her right now. She explains to me why she hides it and decided not to tell me. It's  because of the same reason 😑 she only manages it and her parents owns it that time and not her.

The manager welcomes her and they talk about something. This woman is so clingy on Lisa. I'm so mad right now so I glared at her with a 'I want to kill you girl!' look. This monkey didn't feel that her employee is flirting on her right now.

I cleared my throat so that they will know our presence here. Ella laughed at me. I know she saw my annoyed face. Then Lisa looked at me with furrowed brows and that's when the manager noticed me. She feels embarrassed so she make a space between them.

"Oh, sorry, Diana I want you to meet my fiancee Jennie and my daughter Ella," Lisa introduced me to her. Her eyes went wide open. 'Can't believe girl?' I smirked.

"Oh, I thought..." She didn't finished her words when I cut her off. 'Bitch!' I thought. 

"Hello, I'm Jennie Kim. Nice meeting you," I said with my fake smile. She looked at me with a sad face. 'I know that looked girl, but sorry Lisa is only mine.' I thought again.

"Nice meeting you Ms. Kim, I'm Diana Flippo. LM's hotel and resort manager," she said and I nod.

"So Diana that's will be all. We better go now. I know you already know the things needed her. I already signed the papers for the fund," Lisa said to cut the tension between me and this woman.

After that we left her office and head on the port where Lisa's private yacht is waiting for us. Perks of being a rich heir. This yacht is familiar to me because it's the same yacht we used when we went on island hopping 5 years ago with the squad. Another thing that she hid on me.

"What else that you didn't told me yet about yourself my lowkey rich soon to be wife?" I asked in my sarcasm mode. " that I wouldn't be shocked in case. I want the truth Lisa!" I firmly said and put my things inside the yacht.

The room is so beautiful and amazing. You will mesmerized by how much this costs. All the things here screams power and money. "I didn't know I will going to marry a spoiled brat," I said and chuckled.

Lisa smiles while looking at me. "Sorry babe, I just want to have a private life. I don't want everyone to know how rich my parents are," she said and pout. I want to pinch her cheeks.

"Mommy, Dada the view is so nice outside!" Ella screams while running on us.

"Where are we going babe?" I asked her.

"To my secret mansion in the middle of an Island," she said and she hugged me so tight.

I narrowed my eyes when I realized what she said. "You mean the mansion where we stay for a night?" I asked then she nod. O my god! How rich is my woman is?

"I didn't told you everything hon 'coz I don't want to reveal my self," she said. I look at her with a questionable look.
"Hon don't look at me like that," she said like a baby.

"I realized that I didn't know whom I'm going to commit my forever," I said. I'm a little bit sad and mad but I know she have reasons why she did it. I can't blame her though. If you're that rich, you'll trust no one. "I'm sad that you didn't trust me," I said and look away.

"Hey, babe don't say it. I love you, ok? and I trust you so much," she said and peck on my lips. "You don't know how much I adore you. You and Ella is my everything. I don't care about the money and power," she said and that makes my heart warm. Lisa knows how to calmed me.

"Mommy, dada! Let's go outside please!! please!!. I want you to see the dolphins!" Ella screams.

"Let's go baby," Lisa hold my hand and we went outside. It was amazing how beautiful this paradise is with my family. It never disappoint me. Ella and Lisa are my life now and in a few days from now I will become Mrs. Jennie Kim-Manoban the wife of Ms. Lisa Manoban. ❤️

To be continued...

Guys sorry natagalan ang pag update ko. Minsan kasi wala na talaga akong time to do it and sometimes medyo nawawalan ako ng interest to write but because I love Jenlisa and you of course my dear readers... I will continue to make you happy. Always remember trust J and never doubt L 🐥🐻🖤💙 unlock nyo character muna tayo 🤭 Jenlisa pa din mga hunghang hahahah 😝🌈

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