Chapter 17

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____Lisa's POV_____

It's been what...5 years? Yeah that's how long since sadness engulf me but she is my strength. Yeah, I know they are still married. I hope that she's happy with him.

When I left South Korea, I went directly to my mom and step Dad. They make me sign the contract.

In 5 years, I did my best to become the best CEO. I study so hard and finished my degree in business management in Harvard University. I changed my last name from Manoban to Bruschweiler because of my step father. Year's past and I build my own company that collaborated with my step dad. And now our company became the biggest and no. 1 all over the world.

I was walking inside JK Company with my secretary Alice. We are here to closed the deal with their business proposal. Yes, it's been a year since Kai give the proposal to us but I didn't accepted it because I'm not yet ready to face them all. While walking I didn't noticed the little girl running and then bumped to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am," the woman who chased her apologize and bow at me. I think it's her nanny.

"Don't worry", I said and smiled at the little girl. "Hey, baby are you okay?" I asked her and the little girl nod but then pouted. That's smiles reminds me of someone. She's so cute and her gummy smile. "What's your name baby girl?" I asked her again.

"I'm Ella Jane Kim, pretty handsome auntie and you are?" She said and smiles. I laughed at what she said.

"I'm Lalisa Bruschweiler. Nice to meet you Ella Jane Kim", and I shake her hand.

"Ella, baby let's go. Your mommy is waiting for you at her office", her nanny said. "Sorry for the inconvenience ma'am", then they left. I don't know why I felt something to Ella but I shrugged it. Her cat eyes is same like her. I missed her so much.

My thoughts were interrupted by my secretary Alice. "Ma'am let's go. Mr. Kim and the CEO is waiting for us in the conference room", I nod and we take a lift to the 23rd floor where they are waiting.

"Good morning everyone", my secretary greeted them. "I'm Alice and this is Ms. Lalisa Bruschweiler, LMB CEO."

"Good morning and welcome to JK Company, Ms. Bruschweiler", they said in unison. I saw Jennie and Kai lift their heads and shocked was written on their faces. I know it's been a long time since I saw them.

"Good morning", I coldly said and sit on the chair. "Give us your best proposal and don't waste my time", I said again and I look at them intently then I averted my stare on the business proposal in front of me. Silence engulf us.

"Mommy!, Daddy!" I was shocked when the door open and Ella suddenly run into Jennie. "Mommy, I want to go home now", she hugged and kissed her. "Mommy why are you crying?" Ella asked again. I look at Jennie and I saw the tears in her eyes. So Ella is Jennie's daughter with Kai. My heart clenched and it hurts, I'm still hoping that I'm the father of her children in the future but I can't change everything.

Ella is a charming child and I'm willing to accept her if ever but being a homewrecker is not what I wanted. Seeing how Ella loves her parents, that happiness I can't take it away from her.

"No baby, I'm not crying, it's just..." She said and bite her lip. I know she lied.

"Baby come here", it's Kai. Ella run into him and hugged and kissed him too. "Goodbye daddy."

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